Thank you Magic Banana for suggestion. I don't think that using an old kernel is a very wise idea, although I've tried it. However as you would expect it gave me bunch of errors and did not mount the /home directory properly. The boot process dropped me into a terminal (recovery mode). I started X from there, but there was no option to suspend computer at all. And strangely, the graphics also didn't work well, I got VESA driver again.

Booted back to original kernel then. I tried changing sleep modes in /lib/systemd/system/systemd.suspend.service and I have tried suspend (original), hybrid-sleep and hibernate modes - all of these failed the same. The computer actually suspends in suspend mode, power led changes from green to orange. When I push the power button it changes the color again, the cooler starts spinning, but there is a black screen and no inputs working, looks like the system just freeze. In /var/log/syslog I find no errors in the suspend process, but there is absolutely no log entries what happens after I wake up my laptop.

I then do a hard power off and the next log entry after suspend is just a new boot process.

Maybe you have other suggestions, more options to play with, maybe some specific logs I have to check? I'm still not giving up on this!

I don't understand how only radeon driver can cause such problems. I did not did any more tweaks on this OS. Is this KMS/UMS related? It should be some solution, I believe it!


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