Nice discussion, I learned plenty of stuff. Thank you to both of you.
So, if I understand well, the Pinebook Pro with a usb-wifi adapter could work without any proprietary blob. So for a first work from Pine64, if we forget the "experimental" Pinebook (not pro) which was quiet light for most usage, it is a good job. Maybe Pine64 should explain that proudly. Pinebook pro can work natively with ubuntu and proprietary blobs and if you buy a usb-wifi adapter, it could even work 100% freely with Trisquel (for example).

Saying it this way, it could even push future design of Pinebook Pro to get rid of soldered WI-FI and exchange it by a PCI one (if that is possible of course). And thus do the same for PineTab and PinePhone.

If I'm wrong, don't hesitate to tell me. If I'm right on contrary, I'll be glad to expose that on Pine64's forum to invite others to talk about it and maybe push Pine64's team to take it in account in the future.

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