>  Can anybody confirm me that encrypted home folder (not encrypted disk)
> will work after running this script on lubuntu 16.04 LTS?

I have not used the script myself, but I've looked it over to get a
sense of what it does.

First note that the script is for Ubuntu 12.04 to Trisquel 6, so you'll
first need to update it for Ubuntu 16.04/Trisquel 8 by changing this




The script appears to do three things.

(1) It modifies /etc/apt/sources.list to use the Trisquel 8 repo instead
of the Ubuntu 16.04 repos, and then then updates your system. Most
Trisquel packages are not modified from upstream, and these will be left
alone. Any Ubuntu packages that Trisquel excludes will also be left
alone (for now). Any installed Ubuntu packages to which Trisquel has
made modifications will be replaced with Trisquel's version. This is
essentially the same process by which you would upgrade to a later
version of Ubuntu, but less invasive because most packages will stay the

(2) It installs some Trisquel-specific packages like artwork and the
default desktop environment, and purges some Ubuntu-specific artwork
that it replaces.

(3) It checks for some non-free packages, and if it finds any it asks
you one-by-one if you want to remove them.

I don't see any reason that these steps would mess with your encrypted
home folder. Step (1) is less risky than upgrading to a later version of
Ubuntu. Step (2) seems harmless. If you have some hardware (WiFi, GPU)
that needs non-free firmware, then removing this firmware in step (3)
could cause an issue, but it shouldn't break your system and I don't
think it would affect your encrypted home folder.

That said, as with any large change to your system, I recommend doing a
backup first.

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