Did it as chaosmonk suggested.

Tried to run this script from lubuntu 16.04 LTS. The script is probably too old. It removed a lot of packages, but broke the system. After a reboot there was still lubuntu artwork and LXDE environment, any trace of trisquel. Lubuntu booted after this script, however non functional, because lots of packages ar gone.

If somebody is interested what went wrong, I have copied the trisquelize log here: https://pastebin.com/sk6a6p1i

 It would be nice to have a working script like this.

Anyway, I need no further help, because after this failure I decided not to waste my (and yours) time and installed a fresh copy of trisquel onto that computer. It's working fine now (and, most importantly - free).

 Thank you guys for support!

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