> Update: qBitTorrent is now downloading files, on two separate torrents. So
> it does seem to be a problem specific with Transmission on Trisquel 8, not
> torrents on Trisquel 8 in general, nor Transmission in general (working fine
> on MacBook on the same net connection).

Transmission is working fine for me on Trisquel 8, so there must be some
difference between our systems which accounts for the problem. Some
things to try off the top of my head.

$ sudo apt purge transmission && sudo apt install transmission

Boot into a live Trisquel 8 session, update/upgrade, and see if
Transmission works.

> I really like using Transmission
> and it would great to get it working again. Would it help to file a bug on
> the Trisquel bug tracker?

Probably not. Better to troubleshoot here where there's better
visibility and submit a bug report when we have more information.

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