Ever since reading the initial posts in this thread, something has been nagging my brain... "Could it be that Transmission suddenly has the same "bug" as i already noted months ago to be existing in uTorrent 3.* (Windows though!) and Bit Torrent 7.10.4???" This "bug" i noted on several private (bootleg) trackers as well with public trackers. Please allow me to elaborate: in such torrents, all torrent-clients except the 2 mentioned above perform as they should, i.e. downloading and uploading data, actively engaging in the swarm. The mentioned clients however, only connect to other peers, but do not exchange a single bit of data, they just stay at 0% progress. This happens to peers with these client from all over the globe and all of them use an ISP with a good connection / reputation. The common factor are these particular torrent-clients and them at 0% progress. However, after a while all these peers waiting at 0%, all of a sudden SIMULTANUOUSLY start downloading and sharing data until after a brief moment (upto 2 minutes) they SIMULTANUOUSLY pause again. Until, again after minutes, they suddenly act in unison with all other peers and finally perform as they should. Looking at this anomalous behaviour, i have concluded that the pattern might be pointing towards the fact that either uTorrent 3.* and BitTorrent 7.10.4 are corrupt, or the OS used by them (Windows) is. Anyway, such simultanuous behaviour looks like the peers are controlled by a C & C center (command & control), which is often used by virii and worms. I made a few screencasts from such torrents, an example in my Nextcloud here: https://grns3.rocks/nextcloud/index.php/s/gRBHiYGQJAwY8KD (skip to halfway)

Although i did NOT note this fishy behaviour with Transmission clients back then, it might be that recent versions are now either corrupt or the peers experiencing a suddenly not running client are somehow infected.

As a Qbittorrent user i formerly left it for what it is and kinda ignored the not running issue, as the few times i posted in the threads belonging to those torrents, advising peers to downgrade to uTorrent 2.2.1, no-one replied. And hey, when a peer chooses to use that OS and that software, it's their problem, not mine. Please excuse me for not reporting at appropiate channels upto now.

I would appreciate if some peers here would look at the whole matter, as i am only a simple guy with very limited knowledge when it comes to looking at software (i haven't touched IDA in ages lol).

More screencasts from various trackers are available, i will share them upon request. Please guide me to the appropiate thread if needed, i feel like i might be a bit off-topic.

Thanks and kind regards, Lou aka GoRinNoSho.

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