That makes no sense. RMS was not even involved in Trisquel, so any political opinions of his are in no way affecting the development of Trisquel, the choice of packages included in the distro, the themes (wallpapers, icons, etc). I see NO REASON that I should stop using an OS that has no direct connection to a person, because that person has some political view with which I disagree. I said it before, I disagree with RMS in many things. BUT his contribution for changing the technological world (and the society as a consequence of that) is far too big. The Internet exists relying on Free Software, Linux became the kernel of choice for most devices because it was made Free Software, projects like LibreOffice, Tor, Firefox, GIMP, and thousands of others are what they are BECAUSE they are free software and they rely on GNU-GPL and Copyleft to remain what they are... Smartphones, Android, the Internet itself, the way we use technology today was SHAPED by free software, and the Free Software Movement, and RMS himself. One cannot simply ignore that and put RMS in the corner as a bad person. He did more good than evil (lucky us, I guess).

But Trisquel remains operating the same way as it always did. Tor and Icecat too. LibreOffice also. Everything is the same. Why do you feel the need to leave? That makes no sense. What are you going to do, stop using Free Software altogether? Like "I don't use it because RMS said mean things"? Makes no sense. But to each his own.

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