> I'm using i3wm and my external keyboard's multimedia
> (previous,play/pause,next) keys aren't working.

> Multimedia keys however are working with MATE, so my question would be
> which program can I substitute for playerctl?

Personally, I replace MATE's default window manager (Marco) *with* i3.
That way I benefit from i3's advantages as a window manager, but sound,
USB mounting, monitor detection, etc. "just work" because MATE is still
handling those things in the background.

To try this:

(1) Set MATE's window manager to i3
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/windowmanager "'i3'"

(2) Hide desktop icons (they cause problems in i3)
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons "false"

(3) Get rid of mate-panel (assuming you only want to use i3-bar)
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/panel "''"

Then log out and log back in to MATE.

If you later decide to go back to using MATE normally, revert those
three steps:

$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/windowmanager 

$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons "true"

$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/panel "'mate-panel'"

and log out/in again.

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