> I guess I don't need the compton fork after all, the
> white boxes that were showing have completely
> disappeared and it's much smoother with opengl.

The fork is for these animations,[1] pure eye-candy, not to fix the
rendering issues. I only suggested fixing the issues before trying out
the fork so that if the fork introduced problems you could tell them
apart from the original problems. I'm opengl fixed the issue.

> Do you know if I can keep the workspaces always showing
> on the i3 bar?

No,[2] i3 doesn't support that.

> It doesn't matter for me which bar I use
> i3status/i3blocks/etc..

i3status and i3blocks don't affect i3bar's workspace buttons, just the
status information printed on the bar.

> Depending on which order that I open windows on the
> workspaces, sometimes mod+2 will be the fourth
> workspace while mod+1 will be the second.

Are you saying that you'll type mod+x and it takes you to workspace y?
I've never had that happen. Do you mean something else?

[1] https://invidio.us/watch?v=eKwPkiACqF0 


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