> I would really like to know how to install «XRandR Invert Colors» step
> by step.
> I don't know much about compiling a program myself. So I really need a
> fully detailed explanation of every command I need to «make install»
> something.

In case you don't have git installed,

$ sudo apt install git

and then clone the repository.

$ https://github.com/zoltanp/xrandr-invert-colors.git

Change directories into the repository you just cloned

$ cd xrandr-invert-colors

Get dependencies, as per the README

$ sudo apt install libxcb-randr0-dev
$ sudo make deps-apt

Build and install

$ make
$ sudo make install

I haven't tested this, just followed the README and added in the implied
stuff a beginner might not know to do.  If you run into errors let me

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