> yes for now i do need to install jami or ring! and
> upgrade keepassx from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3

Jami provides an apt repository.  If you edit /etc/apt/sources.list as
root and add the line

deb https://dl.jami.net/ring-nightly/ubuntu_16.04/ ring main

You should be able to then run

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install jami-all

to get the latest version of Jami.  However, another Trisquel user is
interested in learning to backport packages, with the intent to backport
a newer version of Jami, so if you are willing to wait, a newer version
of Jami may soon be in Trisquel 8's repos anyway.

Keepassx is trickier.  The version in Trisquel 9 requires a newer
version of libgcrypt20 than the version that Trisquel 8 has.  I'm not
sure how difficult this will be to make work.  I'll look into it and get
back to you.  Reply to this post reminding me if I don't follow up
within a few days.

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