Magic Banana's 'puter is putzing along in low gear ...

Thinking inside the box: A few of years ago I was working on a project involving the storage of grapes in a produce warehouse, wherein the grapes were in small crates protected against mold by sulfur dioxide generated from packets of a sulfate that release the gas by reacting
with moisture in the air.

Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water to form sulfurous acid, which is rather corrosive of copper

I was given one of those packets to find out how they work ... whereupon the USB ports on my
laptop started to misbehave.

Oxides of transition metals are semiconductors; and the diode drops across the transition metal contacts were causing the contacts to introduce electrical noise that greatly slowed
the USB transmissions.

It might be that your 'puter's internal connections are being affected by sulfur dioxide in urban air pollution, and so re-making the 'puter's internal connections might just work a
cure, at least for a while.

Sulfur dioxide is also formed by the combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur compounds;
the oderant in methane-containing gas is also a sulfur compound.

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