The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
 >Lester Levenson the creator of the Sedona Method states that  
Happiness is our natural state.  We are only unhappy when we feel >we  
lack something.  So when i decide i have everything i need i  
automatically become happy.

Very true and the silly thing is ..... it's the decision, the  
viewpoint's viewpoint that is the determining/gating factor.  That's  
why I say don't put in an anti-complimentary postulate about it.   
Something like 'must' or 'important' to be happy.  Doing this sets up  
a games condition and puts you, yourself as your opponent/enemy to  
yourself being happy.

The key here is that things are important, not conditions.  A  
condition can be changed instantly just by taking a different  
viewpoint.  As proof, just ask someone else about a condition ....  
they will not have the same exact viewpoint as yours and maybe vastly  

Just think about it.  What is causing you to have your viewpoint and  
not that vastly different one?  Why, it's you of course!
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