The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Further findings and discussion on RI vs. TimeBreaking on Level 4,  

(You may feel this is long and wordy but it is necessary to  
specifically detail the differences mentioned)

Having done a Level 4 session last evening, I came to further  
conclusions concerning the above topic.  I realized that an incident  
that I looked at as being an overwhelm really wasn’t, although it  
felt like it was.  Applying TimeBreaking to it had no effect or  
change and I ended off and did some RI.

At this juncture I was still curious about the incident, which did  
not seem to be handled by TimeBreaking or RI.  Looking into it  
further I realized that it was similar to an overwhelm but what it  
actually was, is being made wrong or one being made into anything  
that one feels is a lowering of their self esteem.  This was the key  
that opened the door.

At that point I realized that I have various numbers of chips on my  
shoulder.  Probably not very many but just one is enough.  Something  
happens or someone makes a comment and one takes it personally.  One  
then assigns cause and being of oneself to another.  That’s just the  
start, for if one tries to rectify that, they only get pushed deeper  
into the quagmire. After all, the only fix to this is for oneself to  
acknowledge to one’s self that only he has the power to assign a  
beingness or state of condition to himself.  Others may try but the  
only one that will stick is the one that one gives to himself.

Theta is capable of considering to himself, that he is overwhelmed  
and the silly fool often not only considers that but goes forward  
from there, putting the identity, beingness and body into what he  
feels is the proper result of the overwhelm he has just considered he  
has received.  Sometimes he may do this over many lifetimes.

There is also a very fine line here that most have a great difficulty  
keeping in place and that is the separation between identity/ 
beingness/body vs. the Thetan.  Yes one can get hit in the face with  
a custard pie or trip and fall into a muddy pit.  One will also  
suffer the ultimate overwhelm of death at some point in time.  All of  
this is just part of the game.  And yes, these are overwhelms but one  
must remember that identities, bodies, beingnesses are all subject to  
overwhelms whereas the Thetan is not, not ever.

This is one class of overwhelm that one has to accept as a body, an  
identity and a beingness.  Unless one can become God and responsible  
for the entire MEST Universe, there is no other alternative.  At that  
point there is also no game, no livingness, only a one state of  
beingness.  Always remember that identities, beingnesses and bodies  
are a dime a dozen.  You have had several tetrazillions so don’t fret  
over it.  You cannot be kept out of the game.  The purpose is to not  
get into a games condition.

Now let’s get back to that first type of supposed overwhelm I  
mentioned.  The type of supposed overwhelm that one can eliminate  
with TROM.  I want to state this type as a generalization of being  
right vs. being wrong.  Many get into being right vs. not being  
wrong, a little more convoluted, a little easier to set on fire but I  
think you get the picture.

When someone says you are a dolt, stupid, dumb, too short, too tall,  
ugly, fat, skinny, a nerd, etc., you can easily take that personally  
and be compelled to fight that assignment and prove another wrong.   
This is definitely a games condition.  With TROM, this games  
condition is the one that is being remedied and eliminated.  Most of  
all one has to realize that whatever reaction, involuntary or not,  
that when one rails against this assignment that one is now  
instituting a games condition.  When Dennis mentions Nirvana, I  
believe he is referring to going above and beyond this.  In other  
simpler words, one has to stop assigning themselves as whatever,  
instituting a games condition and then fighting that self-assignment  
thru battles with others.  That one will never be won and will only  
put one on a downward spiral as one attempts to fight not only the  
original battle but all of the new ones that continue to show up  
inasmuch as one has assigned themselves a games condition, a  
beingness, an identity that will only pull in more similar related  
games conditions.

I now want to get into more technical detail about this so called  
overwhelm.  It’s not really an overwhelm although one may feel it is  
because they were made wrong.  This is the crux of the problem.  It  
is why TimeBreaking really didn’t handle it.  RI didn’t handle it  
because I was doing importances but really wasn’t doing them  
relatively.  I must say that yes there is a major relationship  
between right and wrong but only to and between those two extremes  
and the relationship becomes a circular argument and in fact a games  
condition in itself.

This realization broke the problem down to the point I could see what  
was going on.  I now realize that these types of dichotomies such as  
right and wrong are what is handled in Level 5.  One has to learn how  
to not create a games condition with their raw postulates.   
Postulates, which take one side of a dichotomy at the exclusion of  
the other side, create deadly games conditions.  I can see that this  
would also apply in running RI.

I will not go into Level 5 on how to approach this but just stay with  
RI.  I mentioned earlier that I was doing importances but not in a  
relative fashion.  What I meant was that which is important, going on  
a hierarchal status are the MEST Universe, galaxies, planets, air,  
water, food, plants, other people, animals, etc.  Where one can get  
really fouled up is when one creates and importance of being  
‘happy’.  This is obviously as opposed to being unhappy.  There, a  
games condition has just been imposed.  The next person that does or  
says anything that you feel made you unhappy, seem unhappy, didn’t  
recognize that you were happy, invalidated your emotional condition  
has just automatically overwhelmed you and taken you into a games  

Therefore as one goes along doing TROM, one needs to watch out that  
they don’t do RI with dichotomies.  Important to be ……… brave,  
handsome, smart, loving, loved, etc. are all wrong.  Sure these may  
be important to you but beware of setting up new or even continuing  
games conditions.  Just pick out things in the MEST Universe that are  
relatively important to you like food, a car, getting to work, coming  
home, doing the dishes, getting some sleep, doing a TROM session.   
One must also not look at things like getting or having money because  
that automatically says you don’t have money and putting an  
importance on that condition sets it up as a games condition.  Yes it  
can be pretty tricky and that is what the mind is all about, tricking  
you into obeying it without you understanding how it is doing that to  
you and having that kind of power over you.  As a suggestion, just go  
with money as important and nothing else about it and keep the having  
it or not having it out of the picture altogether.  Everything in the  
MEST Universe is important or it wouldn’t be here.  Just watch how  
you qualify that importance.  Dennis was probably getting into this  
when he said quantity vs. quality.

I don’t see that this gets completely handled until Level 5 but until  
then recognize that you may be putting up importances in your life  
with or without running RI as a normal course of living.  These types  
of importances that automatically turn into games conditions can and  
will cause you all kinds of trouble.  They will also cause you all  
kinds of difficulty in trying to figure out what is going on until  
Level 5 is complete.

Another saying I have is you can only want something that you don’t  
have.  So stop wanting it and do something that will produce a  
product.  Something you didn’t have that you now have and don’t have  
to want for it any more.  As long as you continue to want something  
you will never have it.

Any questions, email me or post on TROM.

Trom mailing list

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