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This chat between I and Colleen became very interesting as well as rewarding so we both thought it would be good to post it.


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From: Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com>
Date: November 24, 2011 8:45:17 AM PST
To: Colleen Peltomaa <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Queston on Junior packages

Hi Colleen,

Thanks for the input. I am running well and am now seeing some things boil off. Lotta yawns on running sexing on Level 5. I now intend on running sexing thru a complete 1-8 on Level 5. It can't hurt and so far is getting more action than 'to Know'. Just like Dennis said with junior packages. It will also be a good groove-in on running Level 5.

I was running 1B and then got into running it with 1A, alternately. I got a good laugh at seeing myself in a games condition vs. just a game. The funny part was how I could work either games or games conditions and know that I had a freedom to go between one or the other at will. Did that several times and the joke was on them, the pan-determined postulate and it no longer was an overwhelm. I could choose either viewpoint for myself and chuckled at how others would be satisfied with me being in an overwhelm, a games condition but I really wasn't because I could freely move in and out of games or games conditions and I did by doing 1A and 1B alternately.

It was being exterior to games and games conditions and the ability to be in one or the other and freely at will move between one or the other. Best way to put it is, I had freedom of choice at any moment. Lotta flexibility and full pan-determinism on my part on my own and also on others postulates. I could receive them in any way I cared and wouldn't be stuck in just one viewpoint but could change at will. I then noticed that pan-determined postulates could not change whereas I could.

It was like living two lives at the same time. I was being the effect and then reversing and being cause, all on the same single event. So ultimately I was cause over cause vs. effect.

Can't get any better than that, huh. I'm now capable of living two lives or more at once in my knowingness and therefore my reality and yet only one life in other's eyes. (a good example of KRC and a KRC product from sorting thru ARC)

Does sound like being a Master Game Player, doesn't it.


ps: You may post this to TROM. If you don't, I may. This was a great realization that I have come to, just by sorting things out in ARC by writing this reply. What's funny is that one may do something and not realize what they are really doing in the whole scheme of things and may then never do it again or employ that choice and maneuver again by not realizing there was something there of importance, not just to that one event but to Life.

Yes, once you open the faucet the wins and abilities just start pouring in.

On Nov 23, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Colleen Peltomaa wrote:

The first response to your question from a Level 5'er is that the 8a and 8b deal more with the being when he had his greatest available potential, so that you run the lighter stuff and then get into the heavier stuff. The more charged stuff will be in the 8a and 8b, according to one Level 5'er.

It makes sense to me, because in many, many of my sessions I shoot [prematurely according to TROM approach] all the way back to my original separation from static, and boy is that charged up, and then all the charge after that on the track is simply continued dramatization of separation from static assigned importances.

Two PCs I know found 367 cycles of separation from static. That might be added inapplicable data, so take it lightly. All of this is just from the subjective experience of two TROmmers, and one r3x PC.

Yes, I started with the "to sex" complementary running and I can say that combined with running charge off early incidents really calmed me down and kept me in present time re the subject. I also found a lot of cross packaging with that and the "to love package", not that it cannot be a symphony orchestra of sensations :-) But the composer has complete freedom of choice.

You said it very well in that when one nulls screens, life can inflow more. Screens keep one in a delusional state too, and the more cleared one is the less humpty-dumpty they do when a delusion is dispelled. Supposedly, "delusion" is below "confusion" in the scale of ethics and the formula for delusion for most is "to fall on your head", hahah. I thought that was funny when I first heard it, true or not.


On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com> wrote:
Thanks for the insight on junior packages.

How is it going for me???
That's a big question. Having only run 1A and just started on 1B, I can't really give a good assessment. My current evaluation is that I wanted more to happen than is. Now that's pretty wide open for just the little experience that I have had. I have probably run 7-10 sessions on 1A. What has really happened in my personal evaluation is that I have not run into any super nova type sits yet. I was expecting to and now I'm guessing that that those may come somewhere else on the 1-8 basic packages. I am thinking about running some juniors starting with sexing to see if in fact I can really open up the basic 'know' packages.

One thing for sure is that I am extremely calm regardless of what life throws at me and it has been throwing a lot since starting on Level 5. I have to consider that some of the incoming is due to the fact that I am open to more of life. That's just has to be a given. With a lot less force fields up, one has to expect a lot of incoming which normally would be fended off.

Any insight from others who are on Level 5?


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