The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
At one time or another we have all looked for something. Some times it was serious and we needed to find something really badly. Other times it wasn't serious but we still were looking for something that we wanted to find and there was enough importance at the moment to keep looking.

After searching for a while we just can't seem to find it. We looked all over, we especially looked at those locations where we were certain to find it because we either always put it away there or just always see it located there. This time no such luck. Just where o where could it be????

Well let's just do some more searching. With more searching we decide that we better double check and also look in all the places we looked the first time, even the second time. It has just got to be there, there is no way that it is not here!

And how does it end? Well, the second or third time around .... you find it where it right where it should have been all the time. How is that so? You looked there and didn't see it.

Has this ever happened to you? I'm sure it has happened, probably more than once.

That happened to me several nights ago, after a session on Level 5. I went outside for a cigarette and after lighting up, noticed that I didn't see my car, parked right in front of the front door on the street, just 30 feet from where I stood. I did the usual, Uh Oh and then glanced over to where I had left it parked. When I looked over there, just for a brief brief moment, it wasn't there and then without moving or changing my looking, instantly it was there. All in the same moment, the same looking. There was that split instant that it wasn't there and then in that same split instant that I continued my un-wavering glance, it appeared.

I really had to chuckle at that. We have to have the physical universe so solid, so un-wavering under any conditions and yet the physical universe just isn't that solid and un-wavering. When it comes to the MEST Universe we always 'must put it there', must put it there' that it becomes an automaticity that we are unaware of that we are actually doing that. But on occasion, we lose the beat, 'it must be put there' and guess what, it isn't there.

Thought y'all would get a kick out of that one. I did. The truth of the matter is that once you put something there and you put that postulate there, you have to keep doing that in order to keep it there. MEST has no ability to put itself anywhere nor keep itself there. MEST cannot postulate, cannot create ARC, MEST cannot create MEST as many silly scientists say it can.

I've been really busy and embroiled in running the Postulate Failure Chart with sexing. I have found that there are games and overwhelms that I never considered or considered to such a small degree that in taking a scientific, 'what's the data on games?' that I found there are several that were not in my typical reality. I found that most interesting.

I have also been going thru the Chart playing the viewpoint of either the 'self' or the 'other'. Very interesting inasmuch as another will always take my self-determined postulate as a pan-determined postulate from their viewpoint. Interesting, huh!

Paul, Level 5 in progress
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