The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Most probably you've heard or even learned about the four classical
elements fire, earth, water and air. And most probably you've asked
yourself what they are all about or what their exact meaning is. Recently I
read an interesting book that contained symbols for these four elements.
Well, the symbol for "fire" is an upward pointing triangle (or arrow); the
symbol for "earth" is a struck through downward pointing triangle (or
arrow); the symbol for "water" is a downward pointing triangle (or arrow),
and finally: the symbol for "air" is a struck through upward pointing
triangle (or arrow). You can find a graphical representation on this site:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_element. When I saw the four symbols
for the first time, it struck me: The four symbols look exactly the same as
the logical symbols for the four legs of a goals package. Could it be that
they do not stand for something material but for a basic logical construct,
the four classes of postulates contained in a goals package in particular?
Well, it seems so: The upward pointing triangle (fire) represents the
postulate "to be known" (outflowing / male); the downward pointing triangle
(water) represents the postulate "to know" (inflowing/ female); the struck
through upward pointing triangle (air) represents the postulate "to be
not-known" (not outflowing / not male) and finally: the struck through
downward pointing triangle (earth) represents the postulate "to not-know"
(not inflowing / not female). And it is said that they are elementary and
that all existing things are made of them. Well, nothing could be more
true; the four classes of postulates are in fact elementary and form – as
goals packages – everything existing. Sometimes one hears of a fifth
element. It is called "ether" or "void". Well, what could that be? Life
itself of course. Dennis says, that this universe consists of nothing else
than life and postulates. For me – thanks to TROM – another mystery is
solved (known instead of not-known).

Best wishes

Leo Faulhaber
Trom mailing list

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