The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Dear friends,

More then one year ago I read TROM and I started
to read carefully most of the texts at TROM mailing list, and to
listen every single lecture of Dennis at least 3 times, in order
to learn theoretically as much as possible about TROM processing.

I have experience with Dianetics auditing, and studyng scientology basics,
but left official scientology company due to high unetical behaviour
from their side. All of you know what it means this.

I looking for some advice concerning two things:

1. When I am doing Level 2 I am immediately starting to yawn
and it last untill end of session. Nothing else happens. No other
negative sensations or other changing appears. 
And it happens all the time. I am yawning hard at least one time or even
two times per minute. This also happens few years ago during
dianetics auditing.
I know that yawning is sign of releasing of mental masses, but I 
am yawning even if I am thinking about processing, during my normal
activities: working, walking, driving.
Now I am asking is it normal? Is simply yawning without any other 
side effect is sign of well processing?

I teach my wife to do Level 2, and she never yawn. Also no other negative
emotions, no sensations, only cognitions.
Is cognition is counting as "change"? I think yes, but I am looking for advice.

2. I can't understand level 5 and postulate failure cycle chart. I know that 
the chart is crucial, but I am not understand how to work with it. Also, I know 
is too early for me, but I want at least to understand it theoretically.

My intuition tells me that TROM is the best way for spiritual development,
and I am looking for way to learn it and practicing it at the best possible way.

I will be greatfull if you, more experienced TROM practitioners give me some
usefull data.

Best regards,
Trom mailing list

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