The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi again Ale

I agree that the governments, banks, corporations are creating an atmosphere of 
fear to control the populations in their regions.
the solution is for me to address my fear by discovering the underlying game i 
am playing with them and timebreak the game.

once i have timebroken the games i will be free to not play them and the 
governments, banks, corporations etc will lose interest in me.
i will be able to enjoy my retirement in peace.

Keep on TROMing

Sent from my iPad

On May 24, 2012, at 12:12 PM, ale <jago...@tiscali.it> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
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> hi pete
> I think we should create a group of trommers living togheter , and start 
> change the reality.
> Look at what people create in society :
> 1)war to stole the oil from others,
> 2) famine,
> 3) destruction of the environment,
> 4) ... add your own preferences ....
> you know I have had enough of this kind of attitudes of the human kind.
> yes I do something similar of what you are doing ,but I want to shift my 
> power to create in a bigger space.
> It should be possible to create something , even if all people around don't 
> agree.You just create something more ethic or more survival for all the ones 
> involved.And you impose something more survival for all , and they have to 
> accept.
> Anyway we are involved in the evolution of the collective human 
> consciousness,we are part of it.something we all share.
> To go exterior is not easy for me as snapping the fingers.But the most 
> important was  one afternoon , at 3 p.m.,after lunch I layed in the bed , and 
> suddenly I see all the room around with more light,there was a more shining 
> light all around.I could see perfectly and more sharply,I could ear my body 
> breathing , as it was separated from my consciousness.But when I thought that 
> I was listening to my body breathing , I felt fear , and I sterted to push 
> hard , against something like a ballon.Then I felt in my body , I opened the 
> eys , and I thought "damn hell it is real to exterior from the body".You feel 
> very well , no pain .But then what happens is that the part of us that is 
> mass consciousness , brings you back in this world,and back into the 
> body.That act as a prison for the consciousness.
> But if you think that our DNA is changing , I don't think that this body 
> prison will last long , as consciousness evolve.Fear is my great obstacle.And 
> I think of everybody.And we live in an ocean of fear.At leat 80 % of the 
> population of planet earth is kept in a fear condition , to be better 
> controlled and manipulated.Every time you try to exterior , you crash against 
> the wall of mass consciousness that doesn't accept this to be real.
> The crude fact is the reality we experience is what we bring into 
> existence.So let's start to bring something else into existence, hopefully 
> something better.Mass consciousness is bringing into existence wars ! famine 
> ! hate ! etc.etc. WE have to stop to agree with it !
> do you have any other solutions ?
> I think that we have to reprogram the uncoscious mind.As a part of our mind 
> that brings things into existence , without letting our conscious mind know 
> about it.
> Know the problem is "how to enter the subconscious mind ?
> many masters say that is with controlling its own functions like the 
> breath.Or with this new tecnique called "Tapping" .
> but you are right.If you postulate to get out of the body , it will 
> happen.But how can you handle fear ?because fear will bring you back into the 
> body in a glimpse.and if fear comes from the subconscious mind, it works 
> against your will.
> that is why I am exercising level six.Maybe this bonding postulates are 
> bonded together , but one in the consious mind and the other in the 
> subconscious mind. Bringing something into existence in the consciuos mind 
> could trigger the unconscious mind to bring into existence a bonded postulate.
> you can get and you will , we all will as soon as we become cosnscious that 
> it could be real , and that could be experienced.
> Dennis developed Trom , that is my impression , to get out of this 
> universe.What if we start change this universe at its core , and change the 
> rules of the games played here ?
> thanks for giving me the opportunity to make this digression,
> see you later
> alessandro.
> Il giorno 24/mag/12, alle ore 14:00, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org ha scritto:
>> Ale
>> You have the ability to create anything but will others be willing to accept 
>> that it exists?
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