The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Alessandro

When I was 14 years old I was arriving at home at 20:00 PM, and nobody was
in my house. Then I opened the door with fear of some thief inside my home.
Then I decided to switch on all home lights and look carefully inside all
the rooms, kitchen, etc. (including bathrooms, drawers and cabinets :-).
All was OK but I went to bed with lights on in my room. My18 years old
brother came to home two hours later and switched off the lights of my room.

Next day I repeated exactly the same routine.

On the third day, just before to start the same routine I asked me "Will I
have to do all this all the days of my life?" The answer was a clear NO!
And I continued to ask me: "What I am afraid of ?". The answer was "I am
afraid of the darkness".

Then I decided to face my fear. I turned the lights off, closed the house,
and went to the darkest place: the yard behind my house.

I stayed there, in that dark night, trembling, staring at those huge trees
swaying with the wind looking like deadly phantoms.

I felt enormous fear, but after two or three minutes ‘facing the abysm’ the
fear began to fade, and in one minute more gone away.

I never felt fear of darkness any more. But I still feel fear in danger
situations, of course.

I just face my fear of darkness for three minutes and became free of its

So Alessandro, your main problem (IMHO) is your fear. You create a fear
postulate and after that (as Dennis says) you find its cause in the
external world.

There are several dangerous situations in the world, of course, but none of
them have (now) to do with your fear.

Your fear always comes from your reactive mind.

I have a suggestion for you.

Imagine the worst and fearful situation for you. This situation is your
worst scene.

Then inside that worst scene, imagine the best place to go to fell free
from that fear. That is your best scene.

Now do the timebreak of the worst scene using the best scene in place of
PT. Apply TB level 2, if needed.

The best scene will help you to face your fear, as level 2 TB will help,

Here in my town I had a course to learn how to go out of body, ten years

I never did, but there are several people doing this without any problem.

There is not a consciousness out of the body, but is just our mental or
'spiritual' point of view that changes. And our mental body does not have
MEST restrictions nor MEST characteristics, so we can go through walls
without any problems, and travel faster than light. An out-of-body
experience is like a lucid dream.

To go to other places in an out-of-body experience is the same as to
remember one event of the past, and you do this all the time using TROM.

Keep Tromming

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