The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Ok David I know what you mean. Thx.

Someone asked, on an earlier post, if one can be in one  room and see things in 
another room while out of body . Lol . yes .

We have the native spiritual ability to see anything, any creation in the past 
or present or the past and the present simultaneously. when you're really doing 
well you can hold up three past scenes and the present scene simultaneously.  

You can compare it to a three year old playing chop sticks on the piano and 
Mozart . The more you use time reaming the better you get at it and the better 
you'll be able to see differences and similarities in your every day life too. 
Effortlessly as well. 

I can see others thoughts as if i am seeing my own thoughts, even the thoughts 
of actors on tv or watching a movie recorded 25 years ago and know, ( not 
predict ) what the actor will say next or what thoughts they are creating in 
the past . All thoughts once created move backwards into the past universe 

Every creation, thought, every thing ever created in this universe can be 
known. EVERYTHING. No thing is excluded. Makes no difference who created it 

Most call it intuition. I call it knowing. 

 Lottery numbers are created after the game is closed. Knowing them before they 
are brought into existence would be in direct violation of universal law. Of 
you want to leave the universe, know the numbers and then return to the 
universe. Good luck. You'll need to a very abled being but its possible. And 
you'll not be in violation of universal law sine you were out side the "city 
limits" so to speak .

The TROM list is a universe within our universe. It has rules and laws like any 
other universe. Pete has the ability to change some of them. Some others do 
too. It too must follow the laws of the universe, that most call outer space. 

When I know things created that now sit in the past universe,  the knowing is 
very fast and fleeting. My ability to see for longer durations isn't used, I 
just know what I need to know and be done with it.  As fast as snapping your 
fingers. I don't care what color shoes one was wearing.

If you tell me about someone being injured some way , I can know how they felt 
when it happened or how some one was feeling when they were creating a post on 
this list . I can feel what they were feeling . But as soon as I do, I've seen 
enough, and I leave the past after a second or so. I don't like feeling the 
pain, mine or anyone else's. 

But I only know the things I feel i need to know . When we are really really 
high on the scale of ability ( and I'm not now but am on occasion after time 
breaking a huge mass or series of huge masses)   we can see smell touch feel 
anything that has ever been created by ourself or anyone.  Including others 
thoughts. Thoughts are a created thing just like everything in the universe. We 
can know any thought created by any person or life form for that matter but 
you're gonna need to be high up in awareness.

You use TROM to get your awareness level up. We've spent a long time creating 
reasons why we can't do things, been convinced by others , we can't do things. 
And have spiraled up the postulate failure cycle chart. And spiraled down the 
spiritual ability scale to the same degree. 

So it's pretty simple. Use levels 2 3 4 and 5 and it's all good again. 

There's no secret magic to this universe . And it's as finite as a bag of 
marbles too. It has a beginning and an end.  It's so simple, I find myself 
laughing at it more and more and having more and more affinity with it more and 
more too spiraling back up. 



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