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Yes, nothing. I thank you for it, and I'm grateful for it. But I'm not talking from an egoic perspective here. I'm talking /from the perspective of the problem/. That's why I asked you to run with that postulate with me, so that we could get beyond this petty offense you seem to be unable to get over. Please, be rough! Insult me all you want! It really does not matter to me, so long as we can get down to /actually considering what it is right for us to do/ once you've got over it.

I'm talking to you as though you were enlightened and responsible for the state of humanity. I'm talking to you as though insult was simply a non-factor. As though you were too great a being for that. As though truth, confronting it, and living in it with others who were also dedicated to doing so were everything to you.

What am I prepared to invest? I'm prepared to tell you that I'm a living, open being standing before you right now and trying to reach the truth of the matter with you. I'm prepared to tell you that this matters to me and that the egoitistical back and forth you're continuing to engage in matters not a jot. I'm prepared to tell you that I'm an unfolding life story, as are you, and that our exchange here is /the most important thing in the world/ just for that. And I'm prepared to share in the faith with you that if two human beings engage and communicate openly and truly, then they will live their lives and invest the resources that they do have in accordance with the outcome of that sacred act.

If you do have any more insults-- I've counted salesman, rabble-rouser, talk is cheap, liar, and lack of historical awareness so far-- then please do try to get them out in the next post. It really is irrelevant. What /happens/ in the long run is the problem I'm addressing. I've made several full and reasoned posts in direct answer to that problem, and have engaged your points with rational counters which I consider to be accurate. Can we grow up, toughen up, and approach this issue for what it's worth? With the gravity that it deserves?

On 03/08/2012 22:59, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Amplio Cuadro Medico, Max Cobertura Precio Mnimo y Final. Infrmate!

Hi Function
I spent several years finding and digitizing, transcribing and publishing the TROM materials when no one else was interested in doing so and on my own nickel. and that is "but that's nothing" in your estimation.

Well thank you for the large invalidation. I will treasure it always.

So far you are all talk and no work. Where is your plan? sounds like you want to be the Chief and tell all us indians what to do.

Where is your program. How much money and how many hours are you guarenteeing to invest in your plan?

You are a loud rabbel rouser but talk is cheap.

Thanks for the spirited debate


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Function <funct...@lavabit.com <mailto:funct...@lavabit.com>> wrote:

I read the whole thing. I just didn't see anything that was going to go anywhere. The materials got put up, which I'm glad happened, but that's nothing. Right now the only way to TROM is through scientology. It is just about the most obscure, hidden thing in the history of anything. I don't know if

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