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On 04 August 2012 00:15, Function wrote:
I'm talking to you as though you were enlightened and responsible for the state of humanity.

Wow Function - you have tremendous command of English and I applaud your enthusiasm.

Have you started on the drills in TROM?

For most of us ex-scios - it has been a long slog - an adjustment of viewpoint and for myself a continuous re-looking at purported scio axioms and lack of logic. :-)

How would you go about making TROM part of the culture. I have a large and close family and have thus far only used excerpts from TROM to get them out of the Church of Scientology. Only one of 10 children has partially read TROM.

Having been members of Scientology - most lump TROM with Scientology and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Using TROM I am able to spot conflicting postulates (CP's) in others and often by just indicating the CP - I am able to maintain some peace within my family. To my knowledge, I have thus far been unable to get anyone else to study TROM. I have recommended TROM on Facebook to many but have had no report backs yet.

One paragraph in TROM comes to mind: "Thus, a being is natively capable of viewing every particle that has ever been brought into existence in this, or any other universe, from any viewpoint he so desire. He is also natively capable of taking any of these particle back out of existence again if he so desires. Whether or not he can get agreement from others on this latter step is merely a matter of how convincing he is to others, and is not a pre-requisite to the accomplishment of the feat. That others may choose to keep these particles in existence, still is, in the final instance, entirely their concern. Thus, you can walk out of the trap without the need to take everyone else with you. Believing differently is not to grant others the right to their own convictions - a trap all of its own. ""

I use the above para as justification for not doing more. LOL - I would be grateful for any advice or other input.


Martin Foster
Trom mailing list

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