The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi all
  With this last edit on book 01 Bond Breaking i am done editing Dennis's 
research notes into a readable form.  There are no more mysteries on what 
Dennis was trying to tell us about how the mind is put together and how to take 
it apart.

With my recent email on how to make a noun the subject of the "to know" goals 
package and with these notes i have answered all the questions on how to do 
each of the levels of TROM.

My next action is to get back to daily auditing at level 2 and work my way up. 

I hope you are all downloading these books and reading them. Especially you 
should download them to your hard drive, make a back up copy on a cd or DVD 
disk and store a copy on another computer where you can always get at it.  You 
might even have a copy printed out so you can get it even if the power goes out.

Keep on TROMing

Sent from my iPad
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