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Hi Slim,

Very good insight.

So true. One cannot just be cause over Ying and leave Yang all to itself and dangling. That is not control but a compulsion, a fear an overwhelm. Absolutely no control over Yang.

Paul, Level 5 in progress

On Feb 20, 2013, at 4:00 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

Some interesting points with level 2, RI and level five .

Finding differences and similarities on level two for example.

Theres nothing in this universe that is not similar in some way. It might be a similar location in space, time , color, temperature, size, weight etc.

No two things are exactly alike either.

Sequence of creation. ? Two things can be created simultaneously yes, but if not, Which came first.? How about location in space ? One is always in different location for there to be more than one. even if they are identical in every other way.

This can also be said for self and others when it comes to creation . A postulate is a causative consideration. It's created in space and time.

RI , have another create an importance ( others ) . Then create an importance.( self )

Place it around you 360

When you come up the line so to speak, you'll soon realize it's Self/others that actually does both as in one. At this point, you'll probably pop right out of the universe

Opposition with self is no different than opposition with others. If you can control self , you can control others. Just be willing to be controlled by others as well . Any opposition in life will reduce to the same degree. You willingness to be controlled will empower you to control others only to the same degree.

All of these things are unique to this binary universe. Once you leave , none of this applies.

Now here is the funny thing about this. One is at all times an entity both in the non-physical as well as the physical, this universe, simultaneously. One can also remain in both and decide to play in the physical, play the game and play that game with no detriment to self in either universe for one is not the total and complete effect. One is an entity, a being in both and therefore never relinquishes his control. This viewpoint will keep you out of trouble in both. For one just is as he decides to be in both and not at overwhelm in the cause and effect, physical universe for he chooses to be either at will. If one retains his will, he can change anything at will to be cause or effect. Basically one is doing this all of the time but gets the idea he can change to cause or change to effect at will. He gets the idea he needs permission. Permission from MEST???? Permission from others???? Just to change his mind, his viewpoint. Neither has the ability to grant permission and neither ever will.

Gimme a break! The 'ONLY' grantor of permission to one is that from himself.

It's the nature of the physical universe. Not the spiritual being . We are limitless in every way without exception.
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