The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I must have some past track on self-enquiry and currently resonate with it
and while studying I see how TROM complements and fulfills the past
attempts to explain how to "vanish the mind", which is also the end result
of a completed TROM bridge.

Here is a quote from Ramana Maharshi:

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that
obstructs the natural state. If you do not experience peace it means that
your Vichara (enquiry) has been made only in the mind. Investigate what the
mind is, and it will disappear. There is no such thing as mind apart from
thought. Nevertheless, because of the emergence of thought, you surmise
something from which it starts and term that the mind. When you probe to
see what it is, you find there is really no such thing as mind.

NOTE:   I'm not saying any of these masters achieved total vanishment (or
resolution) of the mind, but at least a dis-identification to a large
degree.  Some of their instructions have helped me have a greater
appreciation for Dennis' work, and I have not seen anything like RI in the
self-enquiry way.

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