The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
It seems our experiences differ. But serene and peaceful are decent words to 
describe the state. 

You have cancer Slim? Cancer cannot exist in the presence of oxygen. 

An injury to the area with cancer will cause a lack of oxygen. Mental removal o 
this injured area will replenishes o2.

The slower and deeper you breathe the more co2 gets in. Co2 is important that 
it expands Arteries and veins. This will increase o2 .

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 7, 2013, at 8:59 AM, "Slim ." <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hey Cory,
> Rather than telling you in detail about my OBEs, for your book, ill tell you 
> about the first one I noticed and almost did a bunk with.
> It was around 1981 or 2. Salt lake city utah COS mission.
> I was finishing up the first course I ever took called the Success through 
> communications course in div 6.
> Its basically a TR course for new guys. $80.
> It was Dennis who created the TR drills btw, ( thx Denny )
> Anyways , I went out during the evening coffee break and was walking around 
> using my eyes as an anchor . I was at total peace and serenity . I didnt 
> consider my spiritual being as spherical like you but I was about a foot and 
> a half above my head. I was not able to speak anymore but I could still use 
> my eyeballs and could even "see" a bit without them.
> It was quite the surprise as I had no Idea I was not my body until then.
> I decided to venture away from my body and that's when it all went south. I 
> slammed back in and was covered in sweat from head to toe. Not a little , 
> allot.
> I was amazed and shaking a little too. Happy as happy gets.
> LRH became my god . I was like man. Ill do anything for him now ANYTHING. I 
> even quit my job and became a staff member.
> Ya, my job was as a body router.  My supervisers sent me out in literally -16 
> below weather to bring others in for coffee and meet the div 6 regs.
> I was like 22 or so I think.
> Moving forward to 1984,
> In 1984, I had what id call my favorite OBE or exteriorzation, if you prefer. 
> I real life changer for me prior to using TROM.
> This planet was slammed by a rock and completly destroyed into a trillion or 
> so fragments . I recall it very well.
> I was sitting on my sofa watching tv and was pissed off at my gf for fucking 
> some body builder guy and breaking up with me while we still lived together.
> Next thing i knew I was sitting about as far away as our moon with everyone 
> else who lived on the planet. Out of our bodies.
> Then back on the sofa again. I didnt know what was going on and thought I had 
> a recall of an incident from the past and died in it. 
> Latter in life while using TROM. I realised we  actually experienced a planet 
> reset or what I call taking a postulate out of existence and that it was me 
> who did it from outside the universe. ( pats myself on back )
> Timebroke the the boulder that hit it, out of existence so it never hit and 
> it never happened. Actually TB the decision another made to send it towards 
> earth to be precise.
> This planets been through many resets and we may be in for another soon. 
> Fukashima has fuked shit up bad. New Comets from the same folks continue our 
> way from the on going game.  My body has cancers from radiation poison and 
> just had left kidney removed oct 3rd At the palo alto VA hospital.This is the 
> second cancer ive had to cure and might have liver cancer too now.
> The planet is in bad shape.....again. But it cant just be " reset" like the 
> last time. Too many things to reset. Not saying it cant be done but its 
> getting complicated this time. Comets are easy.
> Comets are not by chance.  They are sent our way deliberately.
> Im always OUTABODY but not all the way out. Its merely a consideration 
> anyway. Im only as out as I need to be as it relates to the games I play with 
> others.  Maybe a little more just to make sure I win the game at hand when 
> necessarily needed. Theres nothing we cant do when our necessity postulate 
> kicks in. Lol. Nothing.
> Anyways back to salt lake city obe. 1982.
> id go in and out a body allot from that day on but not to the same degree.
> People looked like clay dorks when id go out.  I would go out allot while 
> driving my van before I went on staff while driving to my jobs.
> I installed alarm systems in all the kmart stores along interstate 80 in utah.
> After finishing my 5th store I went on staff.
> Well, after being paid about $ 12 for body routing for the week,  I was like 
> wtf ?   How the hell am I supposed to live off that ?
> So I blew staff and moved to vegas for a year. Went back to being a normal 
> human again.
> Moved to SF  bay area went back on staff at the SF org, quit that job, and 
> started using TROM  when it was published on the web in 97. Dabbeled in it at 
> most.
> Picked it back up in 2010 went right up through the levels to l5 and relized 
> I was SLIM  the 1 shortly after that.
> SLIM is my spiritual name,  Randy ( Meaning the protector )is on my birth 
> certificate.
> I use both because i am both spiritual and human . Not because ive been 
> invalidadated....lol. or some valence shift.
> Anyways, I may drop this body soon and go back to 1957 again with different 
> parents this time and do what I came here to do. Play around . Idk yet. May 
> go home for a while , then return to this universe.
> The planet was reset in the mid 70s too but not sure why.
> Playing the same spiritual games over and over is getting somewhat dull for 
> me now. 
> But its better than nothing. No thing.
> Pretending to be trapped and working my way out that is. But its fun . Going 
> from a state of not knowing to knowing anything I want and back to not 
> knowing again. Seeing where / when I pop up in the universe or which 
> universe.......lol.
> Thats my life as a spiritual being.  Not in detail but you got the idea.
> Being exterior is the rule. Being in a body is the exception. Not knowing is 
> what makes games fun. Challenging. it more like experiencing in a body exp. 
> than an obe....lol
> Questions ?
> Ive got a lifetime of many obe stories but these two are my favorites . 
> Realizing who  am as a spiritual being ( slim ) tops the list too. But thats 
> a different story.
> Ok, see you latter.
> Im going down under the blankets again.  To Get some spiritual sleep. :  )
> Slim
> Hand
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