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Hi Brian,

I agree,  the livelyness of the list has motivated me as well.  :)


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 4:15 PM, TROM <t...@equityboost.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hello TROMers,
> My name's Brian and I have been doing TROM on and off now for a few years
> (more off than on unfortunately.)
> I was a Scientologist for 30+ years until 2007 when I announced my
> departure
> from the Co$. I am trained to class V as an auditor, done a couple L's
> (best
> auditing I ever had.)
> I've gotten a start on a book on TROM that I hope will present the subject
> in a simple and straightforward manner with no Scn lingo and examples that
> cover many questions asked here by new-comers.
> I must say that reading the TROM manual now over 10 times through has been
> quite useful (and listening/reading all of Dennis' talks.) If any of you
> have questions or disagreements (that'd be you Dave P.) you should just
> take
> another pass or 5 through the materials until you do get it. I have not
> found any mistakes in this tech as presented by Dennis. It lines up with
> perfect logical consistency.
> It's good to see the list come alive like it has in the last weeks. It's
> gotten me more motivated to get cranking on level 3.
> Namaste,
> Brian
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