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Hi Pete and Colleen,

A high TA is an indication of one 'not being there', not in present time, being non-confronting, attention on case, essentially not aware of the environment and therefore irresponsible for the person is not assessing what is in front of them. That's why one of the definitions of Clear is aware of being aware.

Keep on TROMmoing, Paul

On Feb 8, 2014, at 8:29 PM, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:

Hi Colleen
Here is item 3 from section C The Tone Arm from the book Emeter Essentials:

3. Because of the construction of an E-Meter, the Tone Arm cannot pass through the bottom of the dial. As a low-toned case gains responsibility, the Tone Arm goes from three or two to 1.5 to 1 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 (for a male) and then to 2 (for a female). This occurs over a long term of processing, of course, and takes many, many hours of processing and the Tone Arm ebbs and flows back and forth.

The book also says most people start at a TA of 4 or 5.

In Scientology the PC starts wherever the are for TA then proceed to the state of clear where they are at an unshakable 2 for females or 3 for males.

In TROM this point occurs at the end of level 3 as Dennis says in the text.


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On Feb 8, 2014, at 5:39 PM, "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com> wrote:

So, if I have it straight, tone arm, whether too high or too low is not a factor in understanding and doing the remedial practices of TROM. Although I think it should be said here that Scientology does have some workable checklists and handlings for high tone arm.

Was it the doing of TROM that got your tone arm into normal range?




1. The three general states have many way stops. There is always a lower-toned mockery of higher tones. A low-tone case, to the relatively unskilled, can be at clear read, unreactive on a sticky sort of needle. He cannot however do things in Life. He or she cannot answer questions intelligently about Help or Control. 2. The first advance of a very low-toned case may be to drop into the minus two area on the Tone Arm Dial. 3. Because of the construction of an E-Meter, the Tone Arm cannot pass through the bottom of the dial. As a low-toned case gains responsibility, the Tone Arm goes from three or two to 1.5 to 1 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 (for a male) and then to 2 (for a female). This occurs over a long term of processing, of course, and takes many, many hours of processing and the Tone Arm ebbs and flows back and forth. 4. Very few cases are in a ‘dead’ state. Most cases will be found on the Tone Arm around 4 or 5. 5. The Tone Arm registers Density of Mass (ridges, pictures, machines, circuits) in the mind of the preclear. This is actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance, etc. 6. Therefore the Tone Arm registers State of Case at any given time in processing. 7. The Tone Arm also registers advance of case during processing by moving. An unmoving case has an unmoving Tone Arm. A moving case has a moving Tone Arm. 8. If a case is not moving, no matter what the preclear says, the Tone Arm is not moving. 9. If a case is moving, no matter what the preclear says, the Tone Arm is moving during processing. 10. If the Tone Arm shows motion, continue the process, until the EP of that process is reached.
11.     If the Tone Arm shows no motion, you can change the process.
12. To change a process while the Tone Arm shows good motion will leave the pc with By-Passed Charge. The process should be continued to the EP of that process. 13. When a level of the Pre-Havingness Scale is flat for terminal, the Tone Arm is showing very little motion. One must reassess for a new level for the same terminal on the Scale, whereupon the Tone Arm will again show motion. 14. When all levels that needle-register on the Pre-Havingness Scale are flat, the Tone Arm will no longer show motion, but neither will it stick in a frozen way. 15. It is a nice judgment when to leave a process. The judgment is done by the Tone Arm action. 16. When the Tone Arm slows down and isn’t moving more than a quarter of an inch up or down, it is time to reassess. To go longer would stick the Tone Arm and make needle action too stuck for a reassessment to be possible. You will always find any unflat level in future reassessments on the Pre-Havingness Scale so it is not dangerous to so leave one. It is dangerous to leave a level of the Pre-Havingness Scale when the Tone Arm shows motions of one inch up or down the Tone Arm Dial, as the preclear will get confused. 17. Take hold of the Tone Arm of your E-Meter. Set it at 4.5 on its dial. Move it to 3. Move it to 5. Now pretend a period of twenty minutes. Move the Tone Arm from 5 to 4, then from 4 to 4.5, then from 4.5 to 3.5, then from 3.5 to 4.8, then from 4.8 to 4. If all that happened in twenty minutes of processing, that is terrific Tone Arm motion. The case would be changing very, very well. You would not change a process. You would go on running the same process. 18. Take the Tone Arm in hand again. Set it at 3.5. Pretend a period of twenty minutes. Move it from 3.5 to 3.3. Move it from 3.3 to 3.6. Move it from 3.6 to 3.4. If that’s all that happened in twenty minutes of processing, be alert, for you’d better reassess for a new level for the termination the Pre-Havingness Scale. The Tone Arm may be getting ready to stick. 19. But don‘t be surprised if the Tone Arm motion suddenly picks up again. If it does, carry on with the same process. 20. The above give you two extremes of Tone Arm motion. The first example is excellent motion. The second example is poor motion. Between these two examples you have a variety of types of motion. 21. In using the meter you are trying to (a) assess for a process that will produce Tone Arm motion and (b) run the motion out of the Tone Arm. 22. When the Tone Arm does not move under processing one of two things is true: (a) you didn’t get the right process to run, or (b) you have run it flat. The remedy for (a) is to do better assessment and run another process. The remedy for (b) is to do another assessment. 23. That the Tone Arm moves under processing denotes a change in the preclear’s mind. That the Tone Arm doesn’t move under processing denotes no change of mass, pictures, machinery or circuits in the preclear. 24. When a preclear is clear he may occasionally get some Tone Arm motion due to purely body electronics but in the main reads at male or female on the arm (3 or 2) according to his or her sex. 25. As a preclear nears clear, an assessment plus a few commands will ‘blow’ the connected masses and thus flatten the terminal chosen. As a preclear gets even nearer, assessment alone blows the remaining masses. Therefore, when the state is approached, the Tone Arm motion gets less and less, no matter what you do. But the condition is self-evident when observed, the preclear gaining more and more effect on his bank with less and less time necessary to remedy a condition.

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