The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hello El-J,

Thank you for your comprehensive and easy to read post.  I have often felt
sadness and loss while the ego is
dissolving, but it happened so often that I now know it as a good thing.

During a Grade 2 session sometimes I can see an identity that I formed in
childhood and how it is still with me.
I let go of it, because it no longer seems to serve any purpose and is just
a hanger-on and I can see how it
limits me.

When I self-enquired, "Do I really exist?"  there was a phase of sadness
and tears of loss.
This occurs when I feel an identity or a game compulsion leaving.

RI helps me get past the mental stops regarding mocking-up or creating
which in turn can
help reduce the reliance on compulsive automaticities.

When as a kid I spent my summers alone in the mountains, after a few weeks
I would
start to see "white gorillas" out of the corner of my eye -- mocking up
game pieces, eh?

I seem to occasionally have an abhorrence at seeing myself as "nothing",
but I cannot
deny it, however the urge is to quickly Be-do-have something
Doing RI is a better choice.

How important am I really?  This identity becomes less on a gradient that
is not too
uncomfortable for me.   My identity and body feel lighter by degrees.
There is an urge to play the better games I can now conceive.
However, I choose not to expand my involvement in games, but I do realize I
now have
more options in my current interactions with others.  There is more
attention on
peacefully ending off or reducing former involvements with others.

In the Church one typically went in as an ego and came out an even bigger
ego head.
Especially staff in the Church.

Self-enquiry can cure that. Grade 2 is curing that for me.   I don't know
fully about TROM
because I'm still working through the remedial level.   I used to think my
ego was such a
lovely thing and that's probably why I initially had such a hard time with
doing TROM.  Ego
drives are more in a "normal" range now and TROM is now more fun and easier
to do.

Reading posts here from other beings who have reduced their egos is
and sets a good example for me.

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