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Hi Dave,

I used earlier material from the .org. As I went thru it, I corrected all of the spelling and grammar that I came upon. Like Pete suggests, one has to read the material over and over until one gets it cold. It's actually quite simple but strange, some areas are strange and not quickly taken in with just one reading. Everyone will have their own particular strange areas and one needs to study those areas until they become simple and clear.

I have not read either of these two new postings. Myself, I would work with the .org version because I like to make my notes within the text and I believe you should be able to do that with the .org.


On Mar 2, 2014, at 9:19 PM, Dave wrote:

Thanks for this email. It inspires me to stay with TROM as Dennis wrote it.

Do you use the TROM material from "http:// www.theresolutionofmind.org/" or "http://www.tromhelp.com/";? The pdf version is very convenient while the online version is unaltered.

Perhaps it does not matter.

Dave Langley

On 02/03/2014 07:45, Paul Tipon wrote:
First of all, Thanks! to all who have acknowledge me and to those who also acknowledged me whether by posting or not.

This has happened to me and I'm sure that it happens to everyone. It is just not traceable through a physical link such as one's hand. But then what happened to me is, an event occurred and I wondered what happened. I saw the action, I heard the noise from the action and yet moments after the event I still couldn't figure out what happened. It was physically impossible.

With further investigation I realized my hand was clinched on the object and that my hand being clinched on the object is what caused all of the action. Then the person who I had restrained turned around and told me, "I shouldn't be doing that". I had stopped him from making a really big mistake. That was a confirmation that I had actually caused the event through my physical action. I never actually saw the even but knew it happened by the action and the sounds. Sure enough I realized that I had done the action. No one else probably even saw it. No one else acknowledged it. For that matter I didn't even acknowledge it even though all the physical evidence was there for me to see. How did I do that without even deciding to do that or even take an action, not even considering that I should do that. The very curious thing is that the action was also outside of 'Time' as we define it. (I will post about the different considerations of Time later)

This is the interesting thing about it. I never decided or intended to take the physical action that I did. And if I did, it would have been impossible to physically move with the speed necessary to complete the action. I was also not close enough to physically do what I did. It's the darndest thing! I would have also had to instantly push others out of the way but none of that happened.

For many months I have reviewed this to see, what really happened there.

The best explanation that I can come up with is, it's viewpoint and attitude. I go around with a viewpoint and attitude that things should 'go right', that life 'is' wonderful and I have a deeper understanding of why things happen and why people initiate and take the actions that they do and what causes them to have such thoughts and think that way. Essentially I have an over-all, all encompassing postulate of good times, good things, good events and actions and the willingness to help and cause those 'goods' to happen. It's very much of the idea and the actuality where good accompanies those with good intentions and outlooks. Another ideology of this is Karma and one can see 'bad' around some people and then 'good' around others. It is also the idea of being lucky in life. It's just all of those things that go with people of good intention and the opposite for those with 'not so good to evil' intentions.

Things just go right around some and things just go badly around the others. It's synchronicity where things just seem to go right around some and not others. The physical universe bends to one's view point and intentions towards life. I have always been that way and seen this phenomena happen around me and now it is becoming even more active and more physically pronounced and I know those instances, those synchronicities and being in the right spot at the right time are because of me whether I actually intend specific actions and events or not.

Yes, 'shit happens' but also 'good' happens out of the blue too. Which would you choose for yourself. Which do you consider are going to be happening around you as well as to you. And then wouldn't it be just as effective to be in a particular environment as well being a so and so in an environment. It's not only 'how good are you at playing games' but how good are you are changing and creating games.

Keep on TROMmoing, Paul

It is paramount that one becomes free of games and their compulsions and compulsions of the mind or one will never transcend them and be above them.

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