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Hi Paul
Here are two quotes from the TROM manual.
"I ran step two absolutely flat and achieved much more case gain --- serenity, 
enormous mental calmness. (I can become completely and utterly calm at a 
moment's notice). At this point, I abandoned the use of the meter, because my 
own sense of what was happening in my mind was equal to what the E-meter could 
tell me. I would know before the meter gave it's read, look at it, realize what 
the read was, spot it, and the read would go off the meter."

The Skin Galvanometer
"If you possess such a device, and know how to use it, then it can assist you 
to determine when an exercise is no longer producing change. The meter no 
longer registers significant change. 
However, the device is by no means essential, for a being is entirely capable 
of relying upon his own estimation of change.
Even if you do use a skin-galvanometer you will soon outstrip its usefulness, 
and will find it registering no change even though your senses clearly tell you 
that change is occurring. Thus, in the final instance, you are thrown back upon 
your own perception of these things.
However, if you do use a skin-galvanometer to help you early on, then abide by 
what it tells you. If you know how to use it, the device will not let you down. 
Early on, the device is more sensitive than your perception; later, your 
perception is more sensitive than the device."


Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 17, 2014, at 9:00 PM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com> wrote:
> *************
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> ************
> Hi Pete,
> Comments below.
>> On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:53 AM, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> What I am trying to determine is in a single auditing session should I 
>> expect that RI when run to no more change will end in a normal TA and FN?
> That is not a given for there is no auditor with the purpose to get a reading 
> item and take it to TA blow down and F/N.  It certainly can happen tough.  
> But if you don't get it, don't worry.  There is no one there to go earlier 
> similar or has a withhold been missed.  Don't try this on your own because 
> you have no way to test for earlier similars or W/H's you could wind yourself 
> up into a higher TA and a stuck needle.
>> If this is correct then in my solo session I should run RI to TA 3.0 and FN 
>> before starting the level I am working on.
> With TROM it is not a necessity to get yourself in session for you are not 
> giving commands and looking for reads and doing a standard auditing 
> proceedure.  Just stick with the TimeBreaking.
>> In the little Scientology auditing I did the practice was to run rudes to FN 
>> followed by the next action ordered by the C/S.
> Again, this is for the auditor to be able to know that the PC is in session 
> and metering can occur.  After a TimeBreaking session you can use a meter to 
> check the TA and needle action but TimeBreaking is not metered action.
>> Since Dennis says that if the PC has a meter he can run level 2 and 3 on the 
>> meter and abide by what it shows it would be good to put up some information 
>> on the list showing what a meter will indicate as RI and Timebreak are done 
>> in session.
> If you can point me to where Dennis says that, I will review it.  I am Solo 
> trained too but don't recall this information from Dennis.  I have a meter 
> but didn't use it at all on any of the Levels.  
>> Sincerely
>> Pete
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Mar 17, 2014, at 8:14 AM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com> wrote:
>>> *************
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>>> ************
>>> Hi Pete,
>>> Answer below.
>>> Keep on TROMmoing, Paul
>>>> On Mar 17, 2014, at 7:56 AM, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:
>>>> *************
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>>>> ************
>>>> Hi Paul
>>>> Is the effect of a complete session of RI that the TA will be at normal 
>>>> for the sex of the individual.  That the person will be exterior and ready 
>>>> to do the next session action?
>>> That is not a given.  It is possible but not to be counted on.  The reason 
>>> being that RI does not address the mind and it's compulsions directly but 
>>> it does free up one's free will which can be an over-riding action to the 
>>> mind but it does not directly handle a compulsive action item of the mind.  
>>> So a compulsive action of the mind still has the opportunity to come into 
>>> play in the future under the right conditions.  Ri can be a remedy to a 
>>> recurring compulsion but it will not undo that compulsion permanently.
>>> Yes, RI can be a changer but is not a permanent fix.  The permanent fix is 
>>> Levels 2, 3 and 4.
>>>> Sincerely
>>>> Pete
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On Mar 16, 2014, at 8:11 PM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com> wrote:
>>>>> *************
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>>>>> ************
>>>>> Hi Richard and All,
>>>>> My answer comes from experience as a Class VI Auditor.
>>>>>> On Mar 16, 2014, at 10:50 AM, rronde...@comcast.net wrote:
>>>>>> *************
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>>>>>> ************
>>>>>> My name is Richard and I have been doing Trom for quite a while. In my 
>>>>>> experience starting off with RI's always creates a rising tone arm up to 
>>>>>> the point of a blowdown. I've assumed the starvation for mass has been 
>>>>>> satisfied at that point. But the tone arm is frequently still out of 
>>>>>> range so I use a reach and withdraw or various rubbing to handle the 
>>>>>> residual mass buildup. The end result is always an F/N at around 2.6-3.0 
>>>>>> tone arm. I always start the chart with an in range TA.
>>>>>> Will someone explain to me why the rubbings of either the body or 
>>>>>> objects so dramatically drops the tone arm?
>>>>> First of all, high TA is an indication of no confront.  This is an 
>>>>> indication of being interiorized.  Things that can lead to 
>>>>> interiorization are overts , withholds. basically fear, anger, etc.  High 
>>>>> TA is a physical phenomenon.  In auditing, it is difficult to audit over 
>>>>> a high TA.  The reason being that one has interiorized and is not there, 
>>>>> not in session with his body.  So an auditor giving a session has to get 
>>>>> the PC reading on the meter or results will be very hard to come by.  The 
>>>>> reason is that the PC is not able to produce good meter readings because 
>>>>> of the high TA.
>>>>> High TA being a physical thing means that the PC's body is not closely in 
>>>>> tune with what the PC is doing and not only are reads very hard to come 
>>>>> by but in most cases cannot even be seen with a meter.  Because of this, 
>>>>> not only are reads hard to come by if at all but any kind of needle 
>>>>> movement has to be suspect as if may or may not be a reaction to the 
>>>>> auditing question.
>>>>> So what happens when the TA is brought down with rubbing, touching, hand 
>>>>> cream, etc. just brings the PC's body more in tune with the 
>>>>> consciousness, the soul, the spirit, the Thetan.  Now if you are using 
>>>>> the meter to meter what the mind and the Thetan, consciousness are doing, 
>>>>> it can be seen on the needle movement.
>>>>> I would say that somewhere between Levels 2, 3 and 4 of TROM, the TA 
>>>>> (chronic wise) should be in the 3.0 range for males and 2.0 range for 
>>>>> females.  Meaning that no particular actions are necessary to bring the 
>>>>> TA down for the PC has now eliminated those reasons in the mind to back 
>>>>> away and withhold.
>>>>> Also bringing the TA down before doing RI or any TROM action is not a 
>>>>> necessity nor does it do any enhancing of TROM actions.  It is purely a 
>>>>> physical body thing that is necessary for reliable readings on a meter 
>>>>> for an auditor to assess what the PC is doing with the auditing question. 
>>>>>  TROM is not audited action.
>>>>> Keep on TROMmoing, Paul
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