The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Vorb
  My first impression is that your over running the processes.

I use RI to move the focus of my attention off my reactive mind and put it on 
something I just created.  
If I am obsessing over some incident in life I stop that and do RI to focus my 
attention on something that I feel is important that I just created. This 
brings my attention into present time and takes it off my mind.

If you are not bringing up incidents in your mind by looking at non significant 
incidents or people then it is time to move onto level 5.  
Start working out what is happening at each level of the Postulate Failure 
chart till you have it memorized and can see how the game postulates are in 
conflict at each level and how they change when you move up or down one level.

Thoroughly understanding the level 5 chart took me many hours of study.  I drew 
the chart out in pencil on a large piece of paper several times. Then redrew it 
in abbreviated form several times till I could see the progression of changing 
postulates for self and other and know what had to come next in the 
progression.  I could almost draw up the chart from memory because I understood 
what was changing from level to level.

Once you have that down start putting up the games as Dennis recommends and 
looking for incidents in your past that fit the game you are looking for.  
Timebreak what shows up.

With this work you should start finding some incidents to run and start 
recognizing the games that are being played out by people and government and 
banks and police.  Every time you look at a news story about police shutting 
down a kids lemonade stand or EU government fining Apple Computer $15 billion 
for avoiding paying taxes you will see the games being played by both parties.

This is the process of becoming a games master. You go from a broken piece in 
the games to a game player to a game master who no longer needs to play any 
game and can help others who are having trouble to win at their games.

Along the way you will find the games you are compulsively playing and the 
games you are compulsively avoiding. Get the charge off these and you are free 
to not play any games.

Good Luck

Pete McLaughlin

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 30, 2016, at 5:45 AM, The Resolution of Mind list 
> <trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Trommers,
> I just hit 150 hours on level 2 the last week, so I thought I summarize my 
> experiences.
> Here you can find my previous write up: 
> http://lists.newciv.org/pipermail/trom/2016-March/005194.html
> My Goal for this year is to reach 100 hours with TROM (200 hours altogether), 
> most probably I
> will do all of it on level 2. I'm a bit behind schedule (it's almost 
> September now, 
> and still have 50 more hours to go), but I have much more free time now, so I 
> hope I will be able to do it.
> I still do 1 hour sessions, try to do one every day. Still spend about 90% of 
> my session time yawning and
> cleaning my nose (the excessive yawning causes my nose to run). I had zero 
> wins, just endless suffering, but
> hey that's just fine, I'm masochistic. 
> Previously I always had trouble to find events that produce change (= yawning 
> in my case), now it is very easy.
> I just go back in the morning and select a total random stranger I saw on the 
> street in the morning,
> and that gives me somewhere between 30 to 60 minutes of yawning. Then when 
> the yawning is gone, run RI
> then I pull out the level 4 list (Robin's advice on my previous email, 
> thanks), and just try to use the chart
> to find another event, that I can run out. It usually runs out faster than 
> the not charged morning event. 
> Can somebody tell me why the hell am I yawning for 30 minutes on timebreaking 
> a random stranger ??? 
> There can be zero charge on an event like this, then why am I yawning ???
> I run RI as per the book. RI had never had much effect on me. I run it, it 
> gets very very boring within a few
> minutes. I know this not because I feel bored, but because my attention 
> wanders away, I continue RI, attention
> wanders again, and after I few minutes I just give up on RI, and do the 
> timebreaking or finish the session.
> E-meter wise I usually start with a tone arm between 4.5 and 3.5. It goes 
> down to 3 in a few minutes, 
> and after about 20 minutes it reaches 2. Sometimes I go down to 1.6 which is 
> very low, and I know, I shouldn't
> go below 2. Sometimes I tried to run RI for 15 minutes to move the tone arm 
> back. After 15 minutes I can
> push back the tone arm to 2.5 or 3.5, but that doesn't help much, a few 
> minutes of timebreaking and I loose it
> all again, so I don't do that any more.
> My biggest problem is still motivation. I have no wins at all. No 
> realizations. No Cognitions. 
> Just yawning and suffering. So every session must start from brute force 
> willpower. 
> If I would have just a little gain, the whole process would carry on itself.
> Any advice for you guys?
> Thanks, Vorb
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