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Hi Vorb,

good to hear from you once again.

My view of Dennis' work is that he was very much inspired by Hubbard's
research of the early 1950-ties until a decade later or so.

I'm currently reading "Scientology: CLEAR PROCEDURE Issue One 1957" by
LRH. Fascinating, a similar outline as in TROM. The best ingredients there
were at that time (and still are - I might add): CCHs plus Creative Processing.

It is a small booklet (36 pages in .pdf format). You can download it at:


I think TROM L2 is mainly a training level to learn time-breaking.
Does more or less the same as ARC-Straight Wire.

Level 3 done, then corresponds to a MEST Clear / Dianetic Clear.

Level 4 would probably make you Theta Clear according to Hubbard's definition.

Level 5 of course correspondents with the OT states.
(Dennis said he got his hands at the OT materials up to OT VII and
it was all "flat".)

Now, if a person had made it already up to Clear or OT, in the church
or with other tech, he or she could have a hard time at the lower levels
of TROM.

Dennis most likely has had lots of auditing before he developed TROM.
Your assumption that he added the lower levels later would make sense.
Never the less he is not to blame therefore.

If I remember correctly you've got auditing before. That could explain why
you do not find good enough significant material to time-break.
(I assume, you're not a black case with no visio).

What's puzzling a bit is you mention that "I always find the same few
events coming up again and again, and they are flat."
If those facsimiles appear against your will you have not yet attained
perfect control over them.

I've not yet run out of material to time-break. I usually just take
what the mind has to offer. Usually it hands out the things with the
right gradient. No big deal. But I just recently started to take notes
on anything that one way or other annoys me or depresses me tone-wise -
just in case I would run out of material.

Another strategy I would apply is to take scenes (e.g. such as those
that pop up again and again - seemingly having no or not much charge
in them - just locks perhaps) ... to take that scenes 'earlier similar'
in order to find more significant material for time-breaking. Might
well be that the earlier scene blows already on inspection or scanning
through. In that instance one would not bother to time-break.
The procedure is simply R3R or its derivate R3X. If you need data
on this, let me know and I dig out the source materials for you.

Really would like to cover some more here, but I've an appointment now.
Looking forward to hear how you're doing.


On Fri, 02 Sep 2016 12:36:33 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: 150 hours on Level 2 - (TROM Digest, Vol 142, Issue 9)
      (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 12:37:15 +0200
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: Re: [TROM1] 150 hours on Level 2 - (TROM Digest, Vol 142,
        Issue 9)
Message-ID: <mailman.34212.1472812593.1234.t...@lists.newciv.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the advice, seems like everybody is advising to move up a
few levels.
A few months ago I come to the conclusion that I can separate TROM into 2
distinct parts:
The ability to timebreak and the method of finding events.

*1. The ability to timebreak: *
you start with comparing past and present objects, then persons (Level 2).
Then this ability will develop you get a better recall of the past event
  and you are able to compare the entire past scene with the present
surroundings (level 3)
and even later you get to the supermarket paradox level of recall.

*2. The method of finding events:*
Level 2: just choose some random event, and pick an object or preson from it
Level 3: choose all events from your known past
Level 4: Use the textual list of the 8 classes of overwhelms
Level 5: By putting out postulates, create flows, which will knock ridges
which then come to my attention to timebreak (I see this as Scientology
8-80 style)

So in my opinion putting and mixing these two parts in a linear scale
(Levels 1-5)
was a big mistake on the part of Dennis Stephens.
I mean suppose you run out of events to run on level 2, you get no change
anymore, but
you still cannot timebreak an entire scene at once (happened with me last
Since you don't find more charged events the only option is to jump to
level 4 and 5.
Or you just get change forever on level 2 (happening now), and still not
able to
timebreak an entire scene.

From reading the email list, it is my understanding that Dennis developed
level 4 and 5
first. Then came Rowland Barkley with his track buster process, and Dennis
that into TROM later, creating level 2 and 3. I suspect Dennis never run
his process
in the way he wrote about it in his book.

In my current situation it takes me about 30 minutes to timebreak 1 scene
from my past.
With this speed, to timebreak this life (Level 3) seems to be impossible,
would take more time
than my life itself. So somehow I have to strengthen my timebreaking

So to start level 3: I don't have the ability time timebreak and entire
which is a requirement to start, and I don't have the time consequently to
my entire life with level 2 method

Level 4 and 5. I don't have the ability time timebreak and entire scene,
but I can find induvidual scenes, and timebreak them in 30 minutes with the
Level 2 method.
As I have said, I've been experimenting with this in the last 6 months, but
the truth is
that I always find the same few events coming up again and again, and they
are flat.

So to conclude: I will drop running todays uncharged events, and will move
to level 5
exclusively. I will experiment for a few months and let you know.

To answer your questions:

1 hour sessions: I know I shouldn't work by the clock, but since it's hard
to push myself
to yawn for 1 hour, that's how I calibrate my willpower. If there is still
I usually continue 5-15 minutes more to finish it. If I find something just
before the end
I continue it next time.(I always make notes)

E-meter sweaty hands, tightening and loosening: I use a c-meter from Ralph
It has fingertip electrodes, so I cannot squeeze them.

E-meter distracts attention: the c-meter has about 2 minutes history
(you can see at the bottom part on the picture) I just look on the display
every minute
to see what happened before. If I see a totally flat line (= no needle
I move on, if I see it is moving I continue with the current process.

Special Thanks to Robin for the extensive write-up.


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