The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I want to start with correcting the definition of serfac, because it is so
central to scn processing, and the thinking of all scientologists, and the
idea  is unwittingly carried over to TROM.

What is called a serfac, is actually all the infliction (invalidation, made
wrongs, criticism, madness, insanity, and every other kind of abuse),
deprivation, rejection, revelation) that parents or guardians inflicted on

All this becomes you.

It is the curse parents and guardians inflict on you.

I compare this to the traditional practice that Jewish people practice and
bless their children to become successful in life. This is a positive
implant. It is opposite polarity.

These are the true implants.

Because Hubbard's def of implants is also wrong.

Implants are  not something that happened in past lives and billions of yrs

Implants are what your parents told, inflicted, programmed into you.
It could be positive or negative or both and somewhere in between.

Because a child is a perfect recording device.

So that becomes the  child's postulates and operating data.

 Axiom 138 : Aberration is the degree of residual plus or minus randomity
accumulated by compelling, inhibiting, or unwarranted assisting of efforts
on the part of other organisms or the (material) universe.

Aberration is caused by what is done to the individual, not what the
individual does, plus his self determination about what has been done to

When a person  is chronically  critical and chronically  makes others
wrong, and is chronically defensive,  it is an aberrated  survival

There is so much pain inside, that the person is a lose cannon, firing in
every direction to keep others off or away, to prevent the pain from being

The idea that we are responsible for causing our case, is false data. If
not a lie, and trap that Hubbard installed to take people on wild bird

It could be a mistake or it could be on purpose, to  make people dependent
on him, make them slaves, and be an endless source of income for Hubbard.

Hubbard was certainly not above such stuff.

Our only option is to be responsible for resolving our case (not causing

1. If a person operates on the idea and is audited on the idea of the
existing tech dictionary definition of serfac,

2. is made to believe that he is responsible for causing his case, and
tries to resolve his case based on that data,

3. audits on the tech dictionary definition of implants and,

 4. goes back track to find answers or causes of case,

 he could  (and will likely) have a psychotic breakdown.

And also  if a person operates on the following bullshit:

Axiom 118 An organism cannot become aberrated unless it has agreed upon
that aberration, has been in communication with a source of aberration and
has had an affinity for the aberrator.

Quoting  Hubbard:

 Each and every aberration of the human mind and the human body has an
initial postulate to be so aberrated.

Engrams are effective only when the individual himself determines that they
will be effective.

 Any individual under processing can be discovered to be using service

Everything that is wrong with him, he has selectively and particularly
chosen to be wrong with him.

The engram is never effective until the individual chooses to use it.

The above is real crazy bullshit.

While  I was learning scn on my own, and in discussions with old timers, I
was told the above more than once.

 It sat in my mind for many yrs, worst than  a stone in the shoe,  until
recently I figured out that it was bullshit.

You can't process with false data in your operating data. It is like stuck
sevens in a calculator. The calculator will always give wrong answers.


Now I want to deal directly with some very key false data in TROM:

The above  ties into the following (because TROM says, or implies that we
are responsible for causing our case):

The words "agreement" ,   "decides"  and "accepts" are used through out

The being:  "agreed to".

or  you "agreed to".

Or you got into "agreement with".

The being "decided".

Or you "decided".

The being accepted.

Or you "accepted".

Agreement, decisions, and acceptance cannot be coerced or forced.

Consent cannot be coerced.

When I read that in TROM, my guts get wrenched.

Because, I never did agree to such bullshit.

I never decided to accept  such bullshit.

I never accepted such bullshit.

It was forced upon me in some way.

It was done under overwhelm.

It is called;  done under  "duress".

* Duress*

*: threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on
someone to do something against their will or better judgment.The courts
only require that the person was forced to act by threat and that the
threat was not one that could be overcome by the mind and will of a firm
and reasonable man.*

It becomes a postulate installed under duress, by force or overwhelm. It is
a psychotic break,  to some degree at least.

That is not "agreeing to anything".

It is not "deciding".

It is not "accepting".

Not anymore than you deciding to give up your wallet at gunpoint.

Or to sign a contract at gunpoint. Or you deciding to give over your
wallet  with a gun pointed at your wife's head.

That is not a decision.

It is an overwhelm.

It is forced.

When the words  "agreement", "decision"  and "acceptance"  are used, and
you try to process on that data, you will not process, and you will likely
crash, and could even have a psychotic breakdown. You will actually have a
psychotic break down to some degree.

No one will agree, decide or accept such garbage.

Similar to,  as a child will not do anything wrong, unless the parent or
guardian did something wrong to the child first.

These are a few things that makes TROM unworkable.

Dennis was not God and what he said was far from  gospel.

Dennis was so fucked  up,  when he wrote the first book "TROM"  hardcover,
(I can't figure out how a publisher accepted it for publishing.) that when
I read it, it was so unintelligible and aberrated, that I could not get
past page one, before my mind would fail and  I would have a psychotic
breakdown and  be no good for a couple of days. That was in 98 I think.
Hoping to figure it out and find some merit in it, (as per advertising
claim)  I tried to read it about three or four times over a few yrs.   I
finally threw the book in the dumpster, because I would get  a headache and
go mad,  when I looked at the book or thought about it.

It was Greg Pickering and someone else I think (I can't remember the name)
, who knew enough about scn and could figure out what Dennis was trying to
say in the book,  and they  untangled and deaberrated and intelligized,
what Dennis wrote and came up with what we know as TROM now.

It is still pretty bad, but a fuck of a lot better than what Dennis wrote.

Know thatTROM did not help Dennis one iota.

So I can't honestly give much credit to Dennis for TROM.

And Greg goes way, way   too far when he  gives all credit to Dennis.

That is also false. It is false credit.

When such crap gets stuck in the mind it will aberrate you to that degree.

Greg and his assistant are the ones that credit should be given too.

I am amazed how they were able to untangle and deaberrate the book, as much
as they did.

Their minds had to be wrecked by the time they were finished.

But it needs "a going over" , a few more times, by a knowledgeable and
competent person to complete the deaberrations and correct the  false and
limiting data.

My correcting of the use of the words; agreement, decisions, and
acceptance, will help  considerably.

No one has done  what I did, until I did it now.

There are a lot more deaberrations to be done and false and limiting data
to correct.

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