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1.  I want to add that I always felt good in the morning, after doing some
processing in the middle of the night, and falling asleep  while doing it.

I occasionally had nightmares after falling asleep.

But when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I had a long good session.

Felt very good.

2. You see I don't consider Dennis as God.

I don't consider anything he wrote as absolute.

I don't consider him any smarter than I am.

3. Same goes for Hubbard and anyone else.

I learn all  what I can from them,  just like they did from those that came
before them,  and then I think for myself.

That is the best way for humans to do anything.

That is intelligence.

Like Hubbard said, if all you can do is parrot some so called authority,
you are not intelligent,   you are insane.

Leonardo Da Vinci, said the same.

Hubbard said to fuck off, stop parroting him,  question everything,  think
for yourself,  and do your own research and complete your own cycle of
learning and build your own bridge.

If you can't build your own bridge, you flunked scn.

Same goes for TROM.

The biggest room in the world is room for improvement.


On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 2:39 PM, David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Colleen:
> Quote: My question for you is how are you currently processing be-do-have
> and what results are you seeing?
> For about three years now, I have been doing level three.
> I couldn't do it  sitting in my chair, because I would pass out.
> So I found out that I could do it lying in bed.
> I would do it before falling asleep if I was not too tired, or more so
> when I wake up in the middle of the night,  and do it  until I fell asleep
> again, which was usually not too long.
> I just alternately punched in:
> Prevented from  being, (must be- can't be)
> Prevented from doing, (must do-can't do)
> Prevented from having. (must have- can't have)
> And other issues (junior goals).
> Even abuse (degrade).
> I had no trouble (that I am aware of) running such non life goal.
> And I would scan and time break what ever pictures came up.
> If I did not have enough energy to time break, (which is/ was usually the
> case),  I  would  just hold them in view and make them more intense, get
> into them more, or  what ever until they run flat.
> I would usually fall asleep before they run flat.
> My mind would often continue to process while I slept.
> During the day, I would occasionally go for walks and look at things near
> and far.
> My mind is now still.
> I have been  running L4  for a few days now,  and I have a hard time
> finding pictures.
> I know there is still lots there somewhere.
> I still easily get restimulated,  especially in conflicting situations
> with assholes and idiots (SPs) .
> I still have lots of catatonia and cataplexy and other disorders.
> I have engrams on work from a very young age, by being always scolded  to
> work and being criticized while working by my dad.
> Work is restimulating especially when the boss gets angry for some reason.
> Facsimilies would come up and overwhelm me into paralysis (cataplexy and
> catatonia) and before long I was no more good on that job and would get
> fired or had to quit.
> That has been my life story.
> Last week I was helping someone do some work on his house and he was in a
> bad mood one day and got angry at me for no good reason.
> Traumatic pictures came up.
> I was able to time break them in a couple of  minutes and then was not
> overly bothered by them.
> I kept my cool.  I stayed in the game quite well.
> This never happened like that before.
> I was pretty impressed with myself.
> That is just like Dennis says in the book.
> Now I think it is mostly "other(s)"  postulates left.
> L5 is another story.
> I am working on it.
> David
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 1:01 PM, The Resolution of Mind list <
> trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
>> *************
>> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
>> ************
>> Hi Colleen
>>  Thanks for the video clip of Gordon Ramsey.  He did not understand what
>> the meditation was for. He was not ready to let go of his compulsive games
>> playing.
>> Very good example.
>> Keep on TROMing
>> Pete Mclaughlin
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 9:13 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
>> trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
>> *************
>> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
>> ************
>> Hello, DavidP (Note: there are two other Davids on this list), Colleen
>> here. Thank you for bringing up be-do-have. There was another Trommer who
>> gave it a lot of importance and processed it using Level 4 commands.  BTW,
>> did you know "To Have" is listed as a junior goals package?
>> Did you know that Hubbard said to resolve be-do-have limitations starting
>> first with "To Have"?   For example, what is important for you re To Have,
>> then, using reason, what would one have to do in order to have that, and
>> then what would one have to be in order to do that?
>> That is from Hubbard...it was about having. Hubbard could just as well
>> have said the same thing about "To Know". One wants to know
>> something/someone, so what would they need to do in order to achieve that,
>> and then what would they need to present themselves as being in order to do
>> that?  So, isn't to-have really to-know?
>> I recall those Old Testament (King James version) stories where a man
>> would get married and then he would enter the tent and "know" his wife,
>> whereas today we might say "have" or something else, but I think the King
>> James translation was a more accurate higher truth than they may have
>> realized.
>> My question for you is how are you currently processing be-do-have and
>> what results are you seeing?
>> For myself, "To Have", or "must have" (as a compulsion) is part of my
>> "Must Know" case, i.e., I must have it so I can know it, experience it. I
>> must have a comm line with that person so that I can know them/experience
>> whatever effects they are creating; so best to find someone who wants to be
>> known [for that] so the relationship can be complementary. For example I
>> have a complementary relationship with a "must know" person who is very
>> happy with me as long as I am feeding them good data regarding subjects of
>> their interest, or latest problem to solve.
>> As for "To Be", wouldn't that correspond with Dennis' junior universes?
>> For example, to be a fisherman, and getting stuck in that universe. John
>> Galusha's Idenics process is one way to expand ability to be. Dennis says
>> the universe is life and postulates, and an identity is some postulates
>> rigged together.
>> I agree with you that - in spite of its utter simplicity and
>> effectiveness - Level Two is a tough gradient for the complicated minds on
>> this planet. If you click on this video and forward to 18:00 you will get a
>> demo of what I'm talking about:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?
>> v=IY2Nc6JPBW8. If the link gets scrubbed google Gordon Ramsey in
>> Thailand and go to the 18:00 mark.
>> It's not only Trom, it's ALL CLEARING PRACTICES that compulsive /
>> complicated / noisy / egoic minds run away from.
>> When a person gets down to their last game leg (as they see it) then they
>> might start self-enquiring, searching for an end to suffering, and the
>> craziness, and possibly for someone to help them resolve their mental
>> issues.
>> I am postulating the best outcome for you.
>> colleen
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