The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

How are you making out with TROM?
Being that you have not responded, I have thought about you a few times.

This morning I came across this link containing articles from IVy by Frank


Frank Gordon is one of my most favorite fz scn writers.

I find his articles are very refreshing to read.

Case does not come through.

I actually read his articles and ads in The Free Spirit Journal  in the
late nineties.

I was so impressed with his writings that I called him on the phone in
about 98.

He was definitely one of the highest toned, highest theta people I ever
talked to in the fz.

It was delightful talking with him.

He tried to be as helpful as he could be, when I was struggling with heavy

I talked to many,  most were assholes and had shit for brains.

I recall he told me that he could assume any position on the tone scale at

You might find it helpful to read his articles.

Based on my experience it takes a lot of related and supporting knowledge
(high theta knowledge) (as well as experience)  to do scn successfully,
and the same with TROM.

The more the better.

The best way to do something like scn and TROM, is to take full advantage
of all the writings (to extract all the knowledge possible) of all the
people, all the best minds  that came before you.

That is wisdom, a very wise thing to do.

All the IVy artilces and FSJ articles are gold mines of extremely useful
Find them and read them.

Wisdom is a higher caliber of knowledge gained from experience.

All that knowledge left by the  great minds that came before you, is your
It belongs to you, for your perusal.

If you read the intro to 8-0-0-8 you will see that LRH gives credit to all
his sources of 50,000  yrs of thinking men, that came before him.

To develop dianetics and  scn Hubbard read everything possible of
comparable magnitude to the subject of resolving the problems of the mind,
(that was in existence at the time) then built upon what he learned from
them, plus his own experience and ingenuity.

Today, 50 yrs later we have a lot more of such knowledge available to us
and it (at least most of it) is even at our finger tips. In the days before
the internet, it was not easy to find the data you needed.

There is an old saying: the intelligent and  competent student does not
reinvent the wheel. He learns everything he can from those that came before
him, then stands on their shoulders and sees further.

Read and study, question  and evaluate and test  everything. Then glean and
hold fast on to what is useful (or good) and chuck the rest up to

It is cheaper to learn from others' mistakes than your own.

Also,  because the goal of scn and TROM  is to take you to a higher level
of consciousness and existence, such a state requires a lot  corresponding
and supporting high theta data, (knowledge) to maintain.

You have to know a lot of high theta data to be able to maintain a higher
state of consciousness  (a state of enlightenment). The more the better.

You can't afford the luxury of negative thinking and negative lifestyle. Or
low theta data (entheta).

You can't operate on low theta data, and low theta lifestyle and low theta
activities,  and expect to go clear, and maintain a high theta state.

That is why there are no bonafide clears in scn or the fz. None.

Assholes and people with shit for brains cannot go clear. It is impossible.

In other words you have to learn to be a saint to maintain a high or higher
state of consciousness. It is all relative.

Back to doing scn and TROM.

Like I said before, the truth is not determined by authority.

It is not determined by beliefs, opinions, group think, or political
correctness or by who wins an argument.

A whole bunch of wrongs do not make a right.

The value of a datum (an idea) is only determined by how many problems it
solves, and how well it solves them, and for how long it solves them.

Nothing is true unless it is proven to be true.

Question and test everything  for truth and workability.

Nothing is absolute.

There are exceptions to every rule.

Just because someone who is considered to be an authority, said something,
does not mean it is true.

Authorities are notorious for being wrong.

You may have to develop your own version of TROM.

In fact, if you can't build a better bridge, a better TROM, you flunked.

The biggest room in the world is room for improvement.

Seek the truth in all things.

Only the truth will solve your problems.

False and limiting data, do not solve any problems.

It is unlikely you will find much truth,  if at first,  you do not ask that
empty space in front of you to teach you the truth in all things.

That empty space is alive and well and all knowing.

Ask non ceasingly.

When you are ready your teacher will appear.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 5:56 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Guys,
> Let me show you a trend here. When I started
> trom I went through all my life's significant
> events, until none of them produced change.
> After that of course I had trouble
> finding events to run on level 2.
> I even resorted to run my dreams. Then I
> started to find events again. I thought all
> was going well, until I noticed that I can
> yawn 30 minutes on events that have no charge
> at all, events where you just walk on the
> street, or cock home alone or run in the park.
> Then to my big surprise I realized that I can
> yawn 30 minutes on events that happened that
> very morning, with no charge at all (on level 2)
> I wrote about this here:
> http://lists.newciv.org/pipermail/trom/2016-August/005376.html
> RI never produce any change for me, so I
> usually did it a few minutes and then
> moved on the the actual process, which brought
> yawning within 60 seconds. I NEVER yawned on RI.
> But in the last 10 hours I started to yawn on RI too,
> causing me to do RI for 20-25 minutes, while the
> yawning was happening. After 25 minutes the yawning
> suddenly stops, and I can start my excercise. The
> yawning is not so heavy compared to an event, but it
> is still there. My e-meter also verifies this:
> there are hardly any needle movements, almost lifeless
> but still there is some movement.
> Can anyone explaing me what is happening?
> Thinking about it, it totally looks like I am
> advancing backwards. Maybe a week from now I will
> have to run RI for 60 minutes to run the yawning out.
> Then I can say that I got from Level 2 to Level 1
> with 170 hours of hard work and 2 years of effort.
> (I started on level 2 about 2 years ago, and never
> got any higher)
> Thanks, Vorb
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