>Blainer) The Holy Ghost, like the wind, comes and goes as it pleases, we
>do not know why or where. But to have it as a constant companion, we
>must a) live righteously, and b) have entered into the covenant to take
>upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, by being baptized.
> >
> > Blaine wrote:
> > > B. To be done by immersion, for the remission of sins
> >
David Miller:  Agreed.
MD:  I am not too quick to be in agreement with that statement as it is presented. Baptism itself is not necesarry for the remission of sins. A person exercising faith at baptism can get their sins remitted. As Rmans 10.  points out, Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (in context, ...believe in his heart... and confess with his mouth... ). If a person is baptized, without exercising faith in the Christ as Savior, baptism can't save him. If a person exercises faith in Christ, and is not at that point baptized he is still saved.

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