Glenn wrote:
> I don't believe Christians have absolute perfect
> love, absolute perfect peace and absolute
> perfect faith.  Be ye perfect as God the Father
> is perfect.  I believe in holiness but not perfectly
> holy as God the Father is holy.
> ... God sees us as perfect through his Son Jesus
> Christ.  The doctrine of imputed righteousness.
> The book of Galatians freed me from legalism.

Izzy wrote:
> Agreed. But just because we are freed from legalism
> does not mean we are freed from obeying God's
> commandments. It does not mean we are free to sin.

Don't be so quick to agree with Glenn on this matter.  The Bible warns us
not to be deceived with GLENN'S NOTION of imputed righteousness.  There is a
true doctrine of imputed righteousness, but it is not as Glenn understands
it.  Notice how he references the book of Galatians, but he does not
actually teach from Galatians this concept of imputed righteousness that he

Romans 4 is actually a better chapter to discuss imputed righteousness, but
it does not at all teach the concept that Glenn has.  Nowhere in the Bible
does it say anything like, "God SEES US PERFECT THROUGH HIS SON JESUS
CHRIST."  It would be better to say that God makes us perfect through his
Son Jesus Christ.  God is not some fool who is tricked into perceiving some
wicked person as someone righteous because Jesus was standing between that
person and God.

The concept of imputed righteousness is one whereby men are counted
righteous by their faith in Jesus Christ.  That is because their past sins
are dealt with by the cross, and their future sins are dealt with by the
life of Christ that then begins to live through them.  Glenn already
admitted that works follow faith.  The problem in his theology is that he
won't admit that these works that follow faith eminate from God himself,
from Jesus Christ.  Somehow he thinks they are still man's works coming
through the Christian, and therefore imperfect.  If it were the Christian
who was producing the good works through that person with faith in Christ, I
would find myself having to agree with him, but the Bible teaches that the
source is Christ.  Therefore, to denigrate the works of the believer is to
denigrate the work of Christ.

Listen to the warning of John concerning Glenn's doctrine that the
righteousness of the Christian is inferior to the righteousness of Christ.

"Little children, LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU: he that doeth righteousness is
righteous, EVEN AS HE IS RIGHTEOUS."  (1 John 3:7)

And notice how the Scriptures say that our righteousness is Christ's
righteousness, not our own:

"... that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ;
Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, WHICH ARE BY JESUS CHRIST,
unto the glory and praise of God."  (Phi 1:10-11)

Notice also how the passage above teaches us that we may be without offense
till the day of Christ.  Why does Glenn teach us that this is impossible?


Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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