Glenn wrote:
> Names are important.  God named things.
> Evil needs to be named.  If names are not
> important, I will start calling you Fido.

LOL.  I guess you need to give me some name to differentiate me from your
BIG dog that Laura told us about.  :-)

I agree that names are important, but if you don't define the names used,
they can be a hinderance, especially when they are loaded with different
meanings for different people.  For example, Jeff thought the Trinity was
the view that the three persons of the Godhead were actually One person.
That is Sabellianism, not the Trinity, but it is difficult to re-educate
people.  Many Trinitarians themselves misrepresent their own doctrine, not
having really studied it themselves.  Everyone has a Bible, so why not use
Bible terms to talk about what the Bible teaches?

A word is "Biblical" if the word is used in the Bible.  Do you know any
Bible anywhere, whether English, Greek, Latin, or whatever, that uses the
word "Trinity"?  If not, then I do not consider it a Biblical word.  You
said that Godhead and Trinity were the same for you, so what is the problem
with using the Biblical term of Godhead?

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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