Above is a link to an interesting newsletter called NEWSCLIPS/Truth on the Web. Excerpts below:
Bush Celebrates Ramadan Break-Fast

50 representatives from Muslim nations and 24 American Muslim leaders met with US President Bush on Thursday to celebrate a Ramadan meal which breaks the daily fast. .....
Homosexual lobby Powerful in DC
The Family Research Council published a brief that focused on a certain member of  Congress ......
'Santa' Murders Daughter
A 65-year-old Warren, Michigan man was arrested Wednesday on murder charges. Frederick Kaercher, who regularly dressed as Santa Claus for the city's annual Thanksgiving parade and appearances at various municpial offices, was charged with stabbing his daughter to death ...
Tis the season I guess ... well, provides a good lead-in for links to our Truth On Christmas Series "The X-Mas Files"
The X-Mas Files Vol 1  [The Truth On Christmas 1]   http://members.aol.com/KHoeck777/NwsClpz/xmasvol1.html
The X-Mas Files Vol 2
 [The Truth On Christmas 2]   http://members.aol.com/KHoeck777/NwsClpz/xmasvol2.html
The X-Mas Files Vol 3
 [The Truth On Christmas 3]   http://members.aol.com/KHoeck777/NwsClpz/xmasvol3.html  
The X-Mas Files Vol 4
 [The Truth On Christmas 4]   http://members.aol.com/KHoeck777/NwsClpz/xmasvol4.html
The X-Mas Files Vol 5
 [The Truth On Christmas 5]   http://members.aol.com/KHoeck777/NwsClpz/xmasvol5.html

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