
I think you are getting confused about the following statement:

In March 1893, the International Religious Liberty
Association PRINTED THESE RESOLUTIONS IN A TRACT entitled Appeal and
Remonstrance. On RECEIPT OF ONE OF THESE, THE EDITOR of the Catholic
of Baltimore, Maryland, PUBLISHED a series of four editorials, which
appeared in that paper September, 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1893. 

I think the meaning is that the CC received the "Resolutions" tract sent
by the 7th Day Adventists to the Supreme Court to protest a suit brought
by the Presbyterians. When the CC received that same tract, then the CC
wrote the following series of articles entitled "Rome's Challenge". That
is why the CC article contains so many references to the fact that the
Adventists are the only Protestants to honor the Sabbath, and then go on
to criticize the rest of the Protestant believers.


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