Glenn wrote:
> Acts 20:7  Upon the "first".  See below.
> Obviously you have a closed mind as I
> have pointed these things out to you before.

Glenn, no offense, but I think you are the one with a closed mind.  Even
though I agree with you that Christians began meeting on Sundays to
celebrate Christ's resurrection, this verse is extremely weak with regard to
that assertion.  Marlin has made a good point, which you seem to ignore and
instead simply declare that he has a closed mind.

Aren't you the one who urges us to read Interlinears?  I have a Greek
Interlinear here that literally translates the passage in the following way:
"And on one of the sabbaths..."

The word "day" is not in the passage.

Because the word "sabbath" also is used to signify a week, another way to
translate the passage is, "on the first of the weeks..."  This makes sense
because Pentecost was marked by counting weeks from Passover, and it was
called the feast of weeks (see Deut. 16:16, Lev. 23:15).  They counted seven
sabbaths in order to mark the fiftieth day as Shavuot (or known as Pentecost
to the Greeks).  So of the seven sabbaths that are counted to mark Shavuot,
this was the first sabbath.  There would be six more sabbaths to go before

So it appears that in Acts 20:7 here, they were actually meeting on
Saturday, not Sunday, but it continued into Sunday in the sense that it went
into the night, even past midnight, but the meeting itself likely started on
Saturday not Sunday.  When Marlin brought this point up, you agreed with
him, yet you continue to try and use the passage to argue for Sunday

Of course, none of this eliminates the idea that early Christians met on
Sunday also, but Acts 20:7, upon close examination, seems to indicate that
for this particular event, they began their meeting on Saturday.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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