This stuff about the Sabbath is so old.  Nothing new here.  The word "first" is in my interlinear.  No offense taken.  If I were going to take offense at you this might be the 100th time.  LOL Some people are in no church because they are difficult to get along with.  The Holy Spirit is sensitive with me on this.  There are people who need their butt kicked out of the church.  This is Biblical. 

       Again, the Sabbath is not a question today in Christianity.  I don't care if you worship on Friday.  I will not allow difficult to get alone with people to take away my freedom in Christ and tell me it is wrong to worship on Sunday. 

Glenn wrote:
> Acts 20:7  Upon the "first".  See below.
> Obviously you have a closed mind as I
> have pointed these things out to you before.

Glenn, no offense, but I think you are the one with a closed mind.  Even
though I agree with you that Christians began meeting on Sundays to
celebrate Christ's resurrection, this verse is extremely weak with regard to
that assertion.  Marlin has made a good point, which you seem to ignore and
instead simply declare that he has a closed mind.

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