Glenn wrote:
> This is about as wrong as I have ever heard
> you, David.

LOL.  Glenn, it is so clear that whenever we start talking about being
obedient to God, that certain people will start shouting, "but you don't
have to be free of sin to be saved" or "you don't have to keep the Sabbath
to be saved" etc.  It's all the same.  This is not specific to this list,
but also on other lists and in conversations or preaching.  I can't tell you
how many times I've had to back away from discussing eternal security
because those who are most vocal about eternal security are the ones who are
least secure.  It is not profitable to convince a person who is insecure in
their salvation that sin can separate a believer from God.

Glenn wrote:
> ... I think this leaving work early on Friday talk is
> for rich people.  Common working people cannot do this.

You're still thinking with your western money greedy mindset.  lol.  In
Israel, it is common for businesses to close early on Friday so people can
prepare for shabbat.  Also, if Sunday became a work day, there would be
plenty of opportunity to let Friday be a short day.  I wouldn't mind a bit
if as a society we went to the Torah time table for having our solemn
assemblies.  That would mean no work on Saturday, church on Saturday, and
perhaps a shortened Friday to give time for preparation of Shabbat.  Sunday
would be a work day like Monday is now.  Sounds like paradise to me.  Don't
worry, Glenn.  My sentiments don't have anything to do with salvation.  :-)
I just see God all over it.  Unfortunately, some people would have to start
working six days a week instead of five.  Some of us already do that.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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