Michael D: Thanx for throwing me into the ring, Glenn.  Should I read this as ...faithful are the 'wounds' of a friend... LOl.

Well, I can give an opinion as I understand the scripture. I would also say that you have to define what you mean by keeping the law.

Anyway, I would say that a man cannot seek to keep the law and be walking in the Spirit. Paul says in Galatians 3 that the law is not of faith!!! In order for the life of the Spirit to be alive in us we had to die to the law. A man who walks in the Spirit will have fulfilled all of the requirements of God's law. How, In Christ's fulfilment:

 Rom 5: 18.  Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation: even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to justification of life.  19.   For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.  

Rom 8:  2.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has made us free from the law of sin and death. 4.  That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Paul says, if we walk in the Spirit, we are not under the law.  This is accomplished by faith which worketh by love. The key to pleasing God, is not trying to keep the law, but following the Spirit, and walking in love. i.e. we believe that the work of righteousness is complete, and therefore walk in love as new creatures in Christ. Paul says that against such there is no law.



  I am forced to agree with many of your observations about the problem of
legalism.  I hate the "superiority complex" that I have run into with many
of the people I have met.  I pray that God will help me to never get into
that state of mind.
  For truth's record, however, do you believe that everyone who keeps the
law of God (or tries to) will automaticaly be placing themselves in the
depraved condition that you describe?  Is it possible for a believer to walk
in the Spirit if he keeps the law?

First, I all, I would ask Michael to respond to this question if he can find time?

Now, for my thoughts. 
I'm not trying to be evasive, but how do you define the law?  If you mean sin, then I don't think a believer can walk in the Spirit and walk in continued deliberate sin at the same time. 
If you mean Old Testament rules, laws, and regulations, I need to think about this more.  I do know it is possible to keep the OT law and still not walk in the Spirit. 

As for me, I walk in the Spirit but I do not keep the OT law.  Not one law do I keep because it is in the OT.  My personal standard is much higher than OT law.  For example, OT law teaches not to murder.  I live by a higher standard.  I believe hating a brother is murder.
Example two, OT law teaches adultery is sin.  I follow a higher standard.  I believe lusting is adultery.

What your thoughts to your own question?  It is a great question.

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