Terry wrote:
> Listen carefully brothers and sisters, and I will try
> one more time.  All the words in the Bible do not
> apply to every Bible reader!  Before you stone me
> for that outrageous statement, please look at Leviticus,
> the book of the Law.  ... The law was for the "Children
> of Israel".  Only the "Children of Israel".  Christians do
> not need to keep the sabbath.  The law never applied
> to Gentiles, not then, not now.

Hi Terry.  Nothing outrageous at all in what you are saying here.  Covenants
are important.  There was a covenant with Noah.  There was a covenant with
Abraham.  There was a covenant with Moses.  There was a covenant with Jesus.
The covenant with Moses applies only to Jews.  Very good observation and
once which we ought to always keep in mind when we read the Torah, and when
we read the New Testament, especially books like Galatians.

With regards to the sabbath, this appears to go back prior to Moses, way
back to the time of creation itself.  However, I'm still waiting for Marlin
to show me if he has any knowledge of a commandment to keep the sabbath.  It
seems to me to have been only sabbath observance, not sabbath keeping by
commandment and duty.

Terry wrote:
> The rich young ruler in Matthew was spoken
> to prior to the cross.  He was still under the
> law at that time because he was a Jew, not
> a Gentile, and prior to the cross, the law was
> in effect.  Got it now?

Well, the law did not stop the moment Jesus died on the cross (see Mat.
5:18).  Jesus preached the gospel BEFORE he died on the cross, and he
indicated that people were pressing into it (Mat. 11:12).  The law is not
against or contrary to grace.  What is contrary to grace is when people put
their confidence in their law keeping to make them right in God's eyes.  For
example, if a man thinks that observing the seventh day makes him in right
standing before God, that God looks upon him with greater pleasure because
of this act of obedience, then he has fallen from the righteousness that
comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, the man who thinks he can break God's commandments, that
it does not matter whether or not he keeps God's commandments because he is
justified by grace through faith, that man's faith is dead, and he too has
fallen from grace.

Look for the middle road here.  Trust in Jesus Christ for righteousness, and
expect to keep all the commandments as Christ lives His life through you as
you walk in the Spirit of Christ.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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