DAVEH:  Thanx for your nice post, Terry.  No need to apologize, as you added a notation inferring your comments were made in jest.  l understood it as a joke and was not at all offended.  (Besides that, I've been told I've got a pretty thick skin anyway.....It would be very difficult for you to offend me.)  
    BTW..........I'm now at the beach with my family (including my Mom).  My son configured my wife's computer to enable me to get my mail, so I hope to stay up with TT this week.  Unfortunately, all my old mail in on my home computer that I can't access.  I had several posts I had started replying to, but never finished.  I'll just have to wait until I get home to complete them.
   I realize, most folks on TT consider my thinking to be screwed up.  My teenage kids think the same way, so I'm used to it!   :-)   
     As for you praying for me.....I appreciate that..........I need all the help I can get!  (And, the prayers of the TTers who are praying for me must be working.....I really feel comfortable in TT.)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 6:56 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] further revelation

To DaveH:
My apology for that last post.  It was mean and uncalled for.  Just because your thinking is screwed up is no excuse to subject you to ridicule.  I should be praying for you instead.
Have a nice trip.

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