This is my belief     Laura
Five signs of life in the womb:

1. Heartbeat

Modern technology can detect a baby's heartbeat eighteen days after conception.

That is only four days after most women miss a period and begin to suspect they are pregnant.

Most abortions are not performed until the eighth week (56 days) of a pregnancy, or a little later.
2. Brain waves

Six weeks after conception signals from the fetal brain can be detected.

Dream patterns have been discovered around the eighth or ninth week.

Perhaps more advanced technology will someday show us heartbeats and brain waves at even earlier stages in the unborn child's life. 3. Independent movement

At about the sixth week, the baby in the womb can move spontaneously: Kicking, swimming, jumping and stretching.

This is long before the mother will feel any sensations of movement. 4. Senses

A baby in the womb is capable of responding to touch and sound by about the eighth or tenth week.

A child at that age will move away from painful stimuli, the most painful of which would be the abortionist's instrument. 5. Breathing

By about the fourteenth week, a baby's lungs are functioning and he or she will practice breathing.

Vocal cords are formed by the thirteenth week, and were it not for a lack of air, the baby could be heard to cry!

>From the very beginning, once a human egg is fertilized by sperm, there exists a new human being. All information about the child's sex, hair color, eye color, and much more is already present from the beginning.

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