Perry wrote:
> Has anyone on truthtalk ever changed their 
> point of view or doctrine because of arguments 
> presented on truth talk by other members?

Hi Perry.

I've had several views change because of TruthTalk.  For example:

1) I was very ignorant of Mormonism and didn't really have an informed
viewpoint about their religious structure.  I use to consider them a
polytheistic cult to be avoided when I first joined TruthTalk.  Because
of the discussions here, I now realize that Mormons are Christians, that
they profess a sincere faith in Jesus Christ, and that their concept of
the Godhead, while missing the mark, is not as far from the idea of the
Trinity that I had once thought.  When I explained the idea of the
Trinity to one TruthTalk member (Jeff), he said that if that was in fact
the Trinity, then he believed it.  So TruthTalk has caused me to
understand that Mormons have been taught wrongly about what the Trinity
doctrine is.  Also, I was somewhat open to Joseph Smith being a true
prophetic figure prior to TruthTalk, but because of discussions here and
the study it motivated me to do, my mind has changed to understand
better than ever that Joseph Smith was a false prophet, that the Book of
Mormon and Pearl of Great Price is a fraud, and numerous other things
that I don't have time to mention right now.

2)  When I first joined TruthTalk, I use to believe that we were saved
by faith alone, but because of discussions here on TruthTalk, I have
changed my viewpoint to see that Scripture does not teach this.  

3)  I use to think Street Preachers were bold and more in the will of
God than most, until some of my street preacher friends started
participating on TruthTalk.  I saw through their exchanges with Glenn
and others that they could not shift gears and distinguish well between
those with a sincere faith in Christ and those in rebellion against God.
I also saw that in a calm forum where there was time to develop
dialogue, that they could not properly present many of their views.
Eventually, I think most every street preacher who has joined this list
has left.  So my view about street preachers has changed quite a bit.  I
still preach on the street myself, and I still join with many of these
guys to challenge our society, but in my eyes, they now are truly simply
another group of ministers and not on the pedestal that I once put them

4)  I was at one time open to the idea that killing abortion doctors
might be justifiable, to prevent further abortions, but through
discussions of this on TruthTalk, my mind has become entrenched against
the idea.

I'm sure that there are many other ways in which my mind has changed.
There were a few times where I changed my point of view immediately
based upon an argument that someone made, but right now, I can't think
of what those views were.  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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